Freaks and Geeks: Final Part

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The kids are reluctant, but they listen to you. Mostly out of fear of what you'll do to them if they don't listen, but they obey nonetheless. The drive back to Victor's house is tense and awkward, but you make it in record time. The second you step foot into the house, you know something is wrong.

"Hey, we're home," Dean says.

You look to the left and see Sam tied up, Victor standing with a gun pointed at you and Dean, and the vampire in the hoodie behind him. He smiles and shows off his vampire fangs, immediately putting everyone on alert. Sam shakes his head silently, and you glare at Victor. You'd use your magic to fight him off, but you're scared of what can happen to the kids.

"What is going on here?" Josephine asks.

"These two are not to be trusted. They're trying to destroy us."

"Do you know this vamp, Victor?" Aiden asks.

"Of course he does! They're working together!" Sam urges.

"Is that true?"

"It's complicated," Victor sighs.

"Actually, it's not. See, blue van here's been turning fresh vamps and setting them up for you kids as easy kills," Dean glares.


"They didn't kill our families, did they?"


"Who did?"

"I did," the vampire smirks. "They all screamed and begged for mercy, especially the little ones."

"Enough, Seth!" Victor hisses. "You have to understand. I saw a way to make the future better. To get there, I had to do something hard."

"He killed them off your orders?" Krissy asks.

You look at Sam who is trying to get out of his restraints. One of your hands is hidden from the view of Victor and Seth, so blues magic mists around your hand. The rope around Sam's hand begins to loosen, and he looks at you when he feels them move. You loosen it enough so he can get out of it on his own.

"You needed motivation. I scouted each and every one of you, and knew it was the only way to get you to hunt."

"So you killed our families?" Aiden asks emotionally.

"I know, the deaths are tragic, but think of all the future lives that will now be saved because you are now together."

"So, these fake vampires were just a way for you to train us and fill our heads with lies?!" Krissy asks angrily.

"Don't you see? This is bigger than all of us. We have to learn to put things in perspective. Come with me. We can get past this."

Victor tosses his gun to the couch as a way to represent a truce. Dean is just looking for an opportunity to use his gun, but it's not now. Krissy and her friends have already made their decision as soon as Victor opened his mouth.


"That is unfortunate."

Victor looks at Seth, and the vampire grabs the kid closest to him which happens to be Aiden. As soon as Aiden's life is in danger, your maternal instincts take over. Magic explodes all around you, stopping the effects of time. Dean reaches into his pocket to use his gun, and he freezes when he has the gun halfway out of his jacket. Sam just got the ropes off, so he barely got out of his chair. Krissy and Josephine didn't have time to react just yet. Aiden looks scared for his life. Seth's vampire teeth are out.

You're careful not to touch anyone as you make your way over to Aiden and Seth. Your magic is sucked back into you and time resumes, and that's when the chaos happens. Aiden jumps from you being so close to him, and Seth opens his mouth to bite the kid. You grab Aiden's shoulder and push him out of the way before using your other hand to swipe across his neck. You let your magic slice through his flesh and bone until he's dead.

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