Everybody Hates Hitler: Final Part

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Dean is up early, so he left to get coffees for everyone while you stayed downstairs with Joanna and had some breakfast that Aaron was kind enough to cook for you.

Dean comes back thirty minutes later with coffee for everyone. Sam and Aaron are reading on the couch with the Golem watching over them while you and Joanna eat. Dean passes out the coffee and takes a seat in the main room with Sam and Aaron.

"What'd you find out?"

"I think this is a log-book from a Nazi compound in Belarus. It was run by the Thule."

"This is the red ledger," Aaron says, holding up another book. "It was lost in the fire that destroyed the compound, but my grandfather was convinced it had been found after the war."

"Well, it describes the horrible experiments performed on the camp's population. Magical experiments."

"More horrible than words," the Golem says.

"You were there, weren't you? At the camp?" you ask and get up to join them in the living room.

Joanna didn't want to be alone, so she gets up and runs over to you and Dean.

"I was made in the ghetto of Vitsyebsk to tear that hell down. I broke its walls and its men. The commandant burnt the place to ash around me."

"Okay, um, w-what does it mean when you tell Aaron to take charge?" Sam stutters.

"The boy would know if he could consult the pages."

"Pages? What pages?" you ask.

"When I was bar mitzvahed, my grandfather gave me this little old book. It was in Hebrew. It was like an owner's manual for a Golem."

"You didn't want to read it? Go get it."

"I can't, exactly. When I went to high school, I sort of... drifted. I started getting off the academic track, and I kind of smoked it."

"The boy smoked the pages," the Golem growls.

"They were these thin, vellum-y pages. I mean, it was perfect for rolling. Look, they were driving instructions for a clay man. Okay? It was nonsense. Look, I'm sorry, okay? Why can't you just tell me what I don't know?!"

"It's not my place to guide the rabbi, to teach the teacher! It's not my place! Yifalchunbee!" the Golem yells, slamming his hands on the table.

Joanna jumps and gets tears in her eyes, but you pull her close as a way to say that she is safe. The Golem sees the look on her face and leaves the room to not scare her further.

"That's not super-comforting, got to say."

"So, as far as I can tell, these Thule were murdering Jews and gypsies--just about anybody and everybody, then trying to magically reanimate them. They were trying to figure out a way to bring their own dead back to life, which I'm guessing they figured out because of this. This last page is a roster of every dead Thule member who was reanimated."

Sam shows the book where the names are located.

"This is why they killed my grandfather?"

"Sounds like it. Anything in there on how to kill it?"

"Apparently, they experimented with that, too. It's with a headshot, but if you don't burn the body within twelve hours, it reanimates again."

"Nazi bastards," you roll your eyes. "Let me call Garth and see if he knows anything about it." You take out your phone and call Garth, and as soon as he picks up, he is cheerful to hear from you. "Garth, it's good to hear from you, too. Listen, I need you to look up something for me."

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 8Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora