What's Up, Tiger Mommy?: Part Two

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Ms. Tran is taking this like a fucking boss, but of course, Kevin is being a little bitch about the pain. Tattoos aren't meant for everyone, but if you want to ensure their safety around demons, this is what they have to do. Kevin is a whimpering mess, so his mom reaches her hand out to him so that he can hold it, and like any son would, he grabs it.

You admire their relationship and wish your mom was here. You wish you could be this way with Joanna and your twins in the future.

"You smell it, Sammy?" Dean grins.

"Burning flesh?"

"Revenge. So close. Hey, how'd you do that reverse-exorcism thing?"

"I just said the verse backwards," he shrugs.

Kevin squeals in pain, and you motion for the brothers to follow you outside so you're not overheard by other people.

"So, as you both know by now, I can hear thoughts. Not sure how or why, but I can."

"Yeah, that much we got," Dean nods.

"Since it's still so new, I'm not sure how to control it. That means I'll be hearing thoughts left and right whether I want to or not. I do apologize if I hear something you don't want me to hear."

"Not even our thoughts are safe from her," Sam jokes.

"When were they ever?" Dean laughs.

"However, the more I use this power, the more I will get control of it. So, please bear with me," you chuckle.

"Anything for you," Dean says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

By the time Kevin and his mother were done, it was almost the evening. You were back on the road in no time, and Kevin took you to the place where he hid the word of God. It shocked you that he would hide it in a fucking locker at a fucking bus station.

"This is where you hid the Word of God?" you ask with a dead-pan voice.


"Just wait here. We'll make sure the area is clean."

Kevin and his mother wait on a bench while you and the brothers split up to make sure this place isn't crawling with demons. After about twenty minutes of searching, you head back to Kevin and his mother knowing that this place is clean.

"So, the place is clean, as far as I can tell," Sam says.

"Yeah, I didn't see any demons around," you agree.

Kevin hands Dean the key to the locker when he gives him the okay to do so.

"Alright. Positive thoughts."

Dean walks to the locker Kevin pointed out and opens it, frowning when he sees a diaper bag inside.

"You hid the Word of God in a diaper bag?"


Dean searches through the diaper bag, but nothing is there. Someone took it, and you have to find them quickly or else this could fall into the wrong hands.

"What now?" Kevin asks.

You pass Joanna to her father who is happy to see her, but you go find the person in charge of security. After a brief conversation with the supervisor, you take him over to the locker so he can inspect the area.

"We've been having nothing but trouble with these lockers. They got broken into damn near every day for a while. We could never figure out who it was till yesterday."

"So, you know who did it?" you ask.

"Sure. It was Clem Smedley, a guy who worked the desk before me."

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