Trial and Error: Final Part

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Sam and Dean put their glasses on, and you ignore the rush of pleasure that went straight to your core. Damn, both of them look really good with glasses on. They both leave, and you put yours on so you can see if the Hellhound is coming near the house or not. You walk to the window and look outside of it, but it's all clear.

"You sold your soul. Admit it," Cindy barks at her dad.

"Why the hell would you think that?"

"Because you're a walking corpse, and you're married to a centerfold. I did the math."

"She likes money, and I'm rich. Do it again. You sing like shit, so explain the music career."

"Hello? Auto tune!"

"Okay, shut the fuck up," you cut them all off, sick and tired of their bickering. "That's enough."

"Oh, is it four-eyes? Is it enough?"

Your eyes glow blue at her attitude, and she seems scared that your eyes are glowing.

"I don't know why you even think one of us made a deal," Noah says, and you pull your eyes away from Cindy.

"Because you struck oil where there was no oil. That doesn't seem weird to you?"

"Margie," Alice says quietly, struggling with the handcuffs. "Margie used to say that if we were rich, we'd all be happy."

"I need to take a leak."

"I can get a bottle for you."

"Ugh. You're disgusting," Cindy rolls her eyes.

You look out the window again and see the Hellhound run to where the big barn is. Sam and Dean are running after it. Alice, Noah, and Cindy aren't going anywhere, but just to be safe, you walk over to them in determination.

"What are you going to do to us?" Alice panics.

You touch her head and use your magic to place her into a sleep. Noah and Cindy are next so that if you leave, you know they won't go anywhere. With them out of the way, you quickly leave through the side door and rush over to the barn where Sam and Dean are. You push open the barn doors and see Dean lying on the ground with his glasses knocked off his head. Sam is lying in the middle of the barn with black blood all over him. The dead hellhound lays next to him with his inside cut open.

"I told you to stay inside."

"I did."

You rush over to Dean and heal him of his wounds, doing the same thing to Sam.

"It's Ellie. She made the deal," Dean sighs.

"Come on, let's go find her."

Sam shrugs off his jacket so that only the front of his white shirt is covered in the black blood. Ellie is scared beyond belief, but she has a long road ahead of her. This hellhound didn't complete his mission, so Crowley will just send another. If you give her a hex bag, then he won't know where to send the Hellhound. She is going to live the rest of her life in fear, but she made her bed, now she has to lie in it.

"What did you do with the Cassitys?" Dean asks you.

"A little knock out spell. They'll wake up soon, but we'll be long gone."

"So, what now?" Ellie asks.

"Now we make a hex bag, and you start running. If Crowley can't find you, then he won't be able to sic another mutt on you."

"So, I'm not going to hell?"

"If he doesn't catch you," you shrug. "Will you give us a minute?"

Ellie leaves, and you close the door to your bedroom. Joanna is still sleeping, but you try to be as quiet as you can.

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