As Time Goes By: Final Part

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"What's going on?" you yawn and walk into the main room.

Joanna is already up and eating breakfast that Dean bought for her since you're the last one to be up.

"Henry is gone."

"Where is he?"

"I have no idea. He just left a note saying he was gonna fix everything." Dean leaves the motel to search the car, and he comes back with a sour look on his face. "Now I know what he meant by 'fix everything'. He broke into the trunk and stole an angel feather. I'm guessing he's gonna whip up another one of those blood spells and send himself back to the 1950s."

"To do what? Stop Abaddon before she strikes?"

"Or grab Dad and haul ass. Look, the point is he's doing it."

"How? He still needs two ingredients for the spell. Unless there's some place nearby that sells real hoodoo," you state.

The police scanner in your room goes off since there is a murder that happened either this morning or last night.

"All units, possible homicide at Astro Comics."

"We were just there. Do you think it's Abaddon?"

"It has to be."

"Okay, so she's close. Y/N and I will go find Henry. You find Larry. Figure out how to kill this chick."

Joanna finishes her food before you get her ready. Dean takes her out to the car while you get yourself ready. Based on your quick research results, there is a shop not far from here that sells real witchcraft items. You know Henry is going to be there, so that's the first place you check out.

Dean is holding Joanna in his arms as you two enter the store. Henry is in the back chanting in a language you don't know. She has a symbol already painted on the back door in his blood. You're not going to let him go back and ruin your futures because he messed up.

"Henry, wait!" Dean yells.

"This is a risk I have to take."

"What if you die? Who said you'll even survive a jump like this?"

Henry stops chanting and turns to you, and the symbol on the door loses the slight glow it had before.

"You cannot begin to understand how I felt after reading John's journal."

"Actually I can. Dean and I have read that journal more times than you can count. We understand how you feel."

"Maybe so, but you didn't let him down! I did! Just like you said! I'm going to go back and give him the life he deserves, not the one he was forced to live. I can save him and stop Abaddon!"


"By going back an hour before she attacks and making preparations."

"Okay, let's say you do that and you're successful and Abaddon is stopped. Then what? You take John away and give him everything he ever wanted? You do that, and Sam and Dean may cease to exist. I might not marry Dean and have Joanna with him. We might not be hunters and everyone we saved will be dead. Do you understand?"

"I'm aware that time is a delicate mistress, but I'm willing to bet on this being for the best."

"Henry, please don't do this."

Your phone rings and you see that it's Sam calling you. You sigh and answer the phone, but you get chills when you hear who is on the other end.


"No, much sexier."

"Debatable... Abaddon."

At the mention of her name, both men turn their heads to you.

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