Southern Comfort: Final Part

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The next day, you got called to the sheriff's department where the sheriff got murdered by the deputy. Either this is just a coincidence or the ghost activity isn't over yet. A crime scene investigator photographs blood on the walls when you walk into the station. The sheriff is being wheeled out with a bloodstained sheet covering his body.

"Ten bones says Deputy Doug had an ax to grind with his boss," Dean mutters.

"How can you be so sure?" Garth wonders. Dean points out the slimy green goo stuck to a tape dispenser. "Maybe we torched the wrong soldier."

"Or maybe not. Maybe an object was removed from the grave, something the spectre's attaching itself to," Sam says, "like Bobby's flask."

"Exactly what I said last night. No one wants to listen to me, though," you half-joke. "Those kids must have taken something, and the ghost attached himself to it. Whoever has the object gets possessed."

"Okay. Who's got the object, and, more importantly, who do they have a grudge against?"

"We need to talk to the deputy. He was the one who had the object last." You got one of the officers to take you to the holding cells where Deputy Wallace is. He isn't too happy to be there, but you need to talk to him about what happened. He perks up when he sees you thinking you have good news for him. "Could you tell us what happened after you shot the sheriff?"

"I was on the ground. I think Karl tackled me, and I asked him what happened. He didn't answer me. He just took my gun and walked away."

"Did he say where he was going?"

"I guess... I must have hurt him, too. He said he was going to the hospital."

That's where you need to go next. You four leave the cell and the station altogether.

"You two find out what you can about the unknown soldier. We got the hospital," Dean declares, gesturing to you.

"Take Joanna, yeah? If he's anything like Mary, I don't want her there," you say and pass her off to her uncle.

You and Dean head to the car since Sam and Garth can walk around town and get information on the soldier. You want to be alone with Dean to talk about his behavior towards Garth. He misses your dad a lot, but that gives him no excuse to treat Garth anything less than that.

Dean reaches the same hospital that you visited Mary in, but before you could enter the hospital, you took him off to the side.

"You need to lay off Garth. I know you miss my dad. I miss my dad. But he isn't gone forever. Garth is keeping the memory of him alive by doing what he used to do. He's just trying to do some good. You know this."

"I know," he sighs.

"Would you rather have Garth do what my dad did or some hunter who you don't know? Garth is one of the good ones."

"I know he is," he nods in understanding.

You two head inside the hospital just in time to see Deputy Karl Wallace walk in with a shotgun in his hands. He has black goo coming out of his ear, and you know he is possessed by the ghost. Whatever that was stolen from the tomb is on him, and you have to get it off him before he does anything worse.

He points the gun at the glass pane window at the receptionist and shoots it, sending glass everywhere.

"Karl? What the hell are you doing? Why are you doing--" the man at the desk says, but the deputy cuts him off.

"Shut the hell up before I blow your fucking brains out!"

"Do something!" you hiss at Dean.

You would go in, but you don't know how irrational he is, and you're pregnant with twins. Dean rushes over to the man and tackles him to the ground, wrestling with him to get the gun out of his hands. Dean grabs the barrel of the gun and smashes it into the deputy's face, sending him flying back.

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