Bitten: Part Two

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The film cuts back to the abandoned house with Kate on the sofa, filming the two guys.

"So, the FBI is here. Your neighbor got murdered, but you're totally cool," Kate said.

"No. It's not that I'm cool. It's just that, like... I mean, then it's good that the FBI are here, right?" Brian said, not finishing a single thought.

"Hey, baby. Listen," Michael interrupted.

He plugged in his iPod into a docking station, playing "What's the Matter" by Milo Greene.

"Oh. It's pretty. What is it?"

"It's the song that was playing when we first met," he grinned.

"Aww. You are so disgustingly sweet."

Michael leaned down and kissed her tenderly, but the moment was short lived.

"You ready?" Brian asked from the background.

"Yeah. I got to go," Michael said to Kate.

"What? So, you just foam the runway with our song and then you got to head out the door?"

"I promised I'd help him test the new cameras."

"Don't give me that shit. I know you two idiots are gonna go shoot cutscenes for 'Jackass'."

"Come on. We both know he has nobody else to do this with. Rain check."

"Whatever. You're dead to me."

Kate and Michael kissed once more before he left with Brian. The film cuts to the college campus at night. Michael and Brian were filming near a football field, and they're just goofing off at this point. Michale was filming Brian who is climbing a tree.

"Dude, this tree is awesome. Maybe I could--maybe I could... get upside down and--"

"No, no, I said do something cool. Not stupid."

"Can you get--can you see me? Is this cool?" Brian hung upside down in a goofy way. "'Cause, man, it feels pretty cool."

"It's like "Dumb & Dumber 3," Michael joked.

"Wait, dude, dude, dude, dude," Brian panicked, pointing somewhere behind Michael.

The camera turns and you, Sam, and Dean were standing there next to the Impala. It's clear you didn't know Michael and Brian were there otherwise you wouldn't have had this conversation right here.

"It's those FBI guys."

"Help me down this tree. Help me out of the tree," Brian whispered.

Michael helped his friend out of the tree, and the both of them hid while secretly recording you.

"Oh, alright. Well, thank you, guys, very much for your help. You're free to go," Dean said to a couple of kids.

You were questioning them about the latest murder, but they didn't know anything that was helpful.

"There is not a case here," Sam shook his head.

"There is a case here. You're rusty. We just got to dig a little deeper."

"Is it just me or are you getting a workplace-romance vibe from those two?" Michael whispered to his friend.

Sam and Dean in real life give the laptop screen a bitch face, and you just laugh at his comment.

"You two do act like a more married couple than Dean and I are."

You turn your attention back to the screen, and your smile is lost when you realize what's about to happen next.

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