Clip Show: Part One

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Castiel has never been to Bunker before, so when he sees it for the first time, he's shocked to say the least. You want to be there for him and to help him in whatever he needs, but everyone can tell you're distracted. The pain and the feeling of pushing down the issues with Robert is taking a toll on you.

You want to let it out, Dean knows you want to let it out, but you can't seem to muster enough courage to do so. You're scared the same thing will happen when your dad died... or worse. Dean needs to make sure you know he is there for you, and he has to come up with a plan to give you the safe space you're craving.

If you're going to move on like Charlie did, then you know you need to do this.

Dean's not having an easy time with this either. He's cried himself to sleep after he knows you've gone to bed, he has nightmares all the time, and he's trying to bottle it down himself. He's always wanted a son, and yeah, you two can make another one, but Robert was his first son.

It'll help if you two can cry about it together.

If you're going to complete the third trial, you have to know how to cure a demon. There must be something in this Bunker that will help with this, which is what Sam and Dean are doing. You're with Castiel since Dean refuses to be with him alone. Dean isn't over Castiel's betrayal, and he has every right not to be over it.

You just see more than what's in front you. Castiel was manipulated again, but this wasn't his fault.

"Please tell me that's everything," you say when Sam and Dean bring in the third round of boxes.

"Yeah, not even close," Dean chuckles. "You see, the Men of Letters kept files on every demonic possession for the last three hundred years. I mean, we've got Borden and Lizzy, all the way to Crane, Ichabod."

"That's impressive," you mutter.

"How are you feeling?" Dean asks his brother.

"Honestly, my whole body hurts. I feel nauseous and I'm starving at the same time, and everything smells like rotting meat."

"Maybe you should take a break," you suggest.

"Y/N, the only thing that's gonna make me feel better is finishing this."

"I'll go get you some food to keep your strength up."

Dean leaves just as Castiel walks into the room. Dean is still hurt, but like you said, it's understandable. It's easier to forgive him this time than last time, so you're on your way to.

"Morning. I like this bunker. It's orderly."

"Oh, give us a few months. Dean wants to get a ping-pong table."

"I've heard of that. It's a game, right?" Castiel groans as if he's still in pain.

"Are you okay?" you ask.

"My wound isn't healing as quickly as I'd hoped, but I am getting better. You're getting worse."

You get up and walk to Castiel before playing both hands on his cheeks. Your magic flows through his body, but it only heals a little bit. His wounds are far more extensive than your magic allows.

Still, Castiel appreciates the gesture.

"Thank you."

"Well, two trials down, one to go."

"Do you know what the final test is?"

"I have to cure a demon."

"Of what?" the angel chuckles.

"That's what we're trying to figure out."

"Well cure means to heal, make better, and to rehabilitate. Demons are scum and the lowest of the low. What if we're curing a demon of itself. You know, back to human?"

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