We Need To Talk About Kevin: Part Two

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Warnings: smut


Eight Months Into Purgatory

How long has it been? You lost count how many times the sun has risen, and even if you were keeping count, you knew it would be a long time since you first arrived. You still haven't found Castiel; it's almost like he is actively avoiding you because of some reason you don't know. Still, that doesn't stop you from looking for him because he deserves to come home as much as you and Dean do.

You've been searching day in and day out, but you're tired from it all. All you want to do is stop and rest for the night. You've been fighting off every single monster you could find, but where does a monster go when you kill it in Purgatory? Does it die and come right back a few moments later? You never stick around long enough to find out, but you know you need to stop for the night or else you'll go crazy.

"Okay, I am stopping for the night," you pant and rest against the trunk of a tree.

"We need to keep moving," Benny argues.

"We haven't stopped for weeks, Benny. You might have super stamina, but we're human. We need a break. Now, you two can go off and be fucking heroes but I'm staying here."

"She's right, man," Dean backs you up.

"Fine, I guess we're stopping."

You two walk a few more yards when you see a clearing. In this clearing is a small cave enough to fit a few people. Benny doesn't want to rest, but he will give the cave to you and Dean to sleep in.

"I'll stay out here, I guess. Keep watch," Benny says, not sure what else he can do.

"Benny, I'm grateful for everything you have done for Dean and I, but this is the first time in months that I am getting a moment alone with my husband. I am taking it whether you're here or not."

"There are monsters everywhere, Y/N, with a more sensitive nose than I have. They will smell you and hear you. They will come for you."

"They can try," you smirk, flashing your eyes blue.

You take your husband into the cave and turn to the outside of it, putting your hands up. Your magic stems from your palms and forms a forcefield around the entrance so that nothing can penetrate it. It's thick enough so that Benny can't see inside, and it's also soundproof so that no one will be able to hear you. With this protection in place, you turn to Dean with a slight frown.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"I'm just worried about Joanna. It's been so long since I've held her. I'm worried about what she and Sam have gotten up to back home."

Dean takes you into his arms as he takes a seat on a chair-shaped rock. It's not exactly in the shape of a chair, but there is a long smooth side that is big enough for you to comfortably sit on it.

"I have to believe that she is okay because if I'm being honest, you and her are the only things keeping me going right now."

You look up and stare into his bright green eyes. Even in Purgatory, they look as green as they did from the moment you first laid your eyes on them.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

It was supposed to be a simple kiss. It was supposed to be a comfort kiss. However, the second your lips touched his, all rational thought flew out the window. You swing your left leg over his lap, settling over his hardening cock that's trapped in its denim prison. He slides his hands over your hips and up your shirt, wanting to feel your skin now rather than later. You slip off your shirt and unhook your bra, throwing both articles of clothing off to the side.

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