Southern Comfort: Part Three

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You three head back to the motel to do some research on Sussex, but the atmosphere is thick. Joanna is playing with Zeus in her playpen. She is getting close to outgrowing it, but it's only for her protection so you know where she is. If Zeus is with her, then she tends to stay put. However, you know she could climb out of it easily.

That's why you're trying to get her to use the portable toddler bed you bought for her. It's nothing permanent, but it works for your situation. You really need to consider looking at a more permanent home if you're going to have three kids running around. John may have made it work, but it's not something you want to try.

Joanna is talking to Zeus as if he can understand her, and he is just laying there keeping an eye on her. You, Garth, and Dean are sitting at the table with books, papers, and Sam's laptop all around you. Nothing here is helping you, but you're not going to give up on the search. Dean is drinking some beer, you're drinking some lemonade, and Garth is drinking water. However, when he sees an unopened beer on the table, he goes to reach for it.

"Easy there, lightweight," Dean says and takes the beer before Garth has a chance to grab it. "Last time you drank a beer, I had to pick you up off the floor."

"You're such an idjit," Garth giggles.

"Idjit is supposed to be used angrily. Okay? Not happy. If you're gonna butcher it, don't say it at all," your husband says angrily, and you just sigh.

"Whoa, then. Okay." Garth looks at you, but you just shake your head at him. "It's n-none of my business, but... does this have anything to do with you and... Sam?"

"No, you had it right. It's none of your business."

"Dean that's enough," you say, but he ignores you.

"Okay. It just seems that you guys are a little tense around each other."

"We're fine. Can we get back to work?"

For Garth's sake, you hope he drops it.

"Just letting you know that I'm here for you, all three of you, for anything. I know sometimes Bobby, he would--"

"You're not Bobby! Okay? You're never gonna be Bobby, so stop!" Dean yells, scaring Joanna.

"Okay, knock it off, Dean!" Dean looks at you with fire in his eyes, but you're not going to back down. "Garth is doing nothing wrong here and you know it. You need to stop acting like my dad was an object and start treating him like he was a person. My dad helped more than just us. He impacted many lives, and Garth is just doing what my dad showed him how to do. Stop acting like a dick."

Dean knows he's being irrational, so instead of biting back, he takes a deep breath to calm himself. He turns to Garth who has a frown on his face. It looks like Garth is going to cry, and Dean doesn't want to see that.

"Why don't you see if you can find something in that bourbon-drenched book of his so we can get the hell out of Dodge, alright?"

"Yeah. I'm on it."

Garth opens the book and gets right on it, and Dean looks at you from his seat. You make eye contact with him and shake your head at him. You know he feels bad for what he said, and you don't blame him for his emotions. He needs to know that Garth is just trying to make something of what your dad taught him to do.

"Hey. 'Sussex' is not a who, it's a what," Dean says after looking at Sam's laptop. "It's a business that went belly-up about a year ago. Look at this." He turns the laptop to face you and Garth. There is an article about Scott Lew and Jeff Bult's tire company named Sussex. Jeff is the person who died in the convenience store earlier. "So, the guy that Scott brained? He was his old business partner who ran the company into the ground."

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