Chapter 12: Blood Moon Ball

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Ben turned around. "It's just I don't trust Tom. Maybe I should go with you. To make sure its alright."

"You weren't invited. Besides you have to trust me to do the right thing for myself." Then she used her wand on he face to make her hair into a bun. She was stun there for a second.

"Star are you okay?" Ben asked noticing Star was stun there

"Yeah I'm okay, maybe I should be more careful about using magic on my face."

"All I'm saying you have to be carful around some people. Especially if you know them."

"What about Kevin? You told me he was evil and know look at him. He is helping us."

"Yeah, but if you remember I kept a eye on him, just in case."

Star thought for a moment. "Okay, good point." she said leaving the changing area. "So, what do you think?"

Ben saw hair in a bun and that she was wearing a pink dress with some hearts on it with white gloves and shoes. "You look amazing." said Ben shocked seeing Star in her outfit.

"Thanks, Ben."

"Don't go."

"I'm totally going." Then Star hit the bell and a stream of fire came up. Then a carriage carried by a flying creator appeared. It brought out a bridge. "Smells like burnt toast." Star then got into the carriage. "Let's get this show on the road."

"Witch floor mortal?" asked the creator

"I guess the bottom."

"Why don't I just ride down with you." said Ben as he started to cross the bridge.

But then Star lightly kicked him off. "Goodbye, Ben. I will see you after the Blood Moon Ball." The carriage then flew down into a ring of fire. Star soon found herself in the under world. "Wow."

Tom was there to greet her. "Star Butterfly, don't you clean up nice."

"Thank you, I guess."

"I got you this." Tom said holding something that looks like a spider.

"What is it?"

"It's a hair thing. It goes into your hair it will help you fit in down here." Tom was about to put it in Star's hair but she moved out of the way.

"How sweet... Tom, but I kind of got my own thing going on here. I'm pretty happy with it. Let's go have fun now."

Tom started to get angry. The Brian came to calm him down.

With Ben.

Ben was laying on he's bed. "I hope Star is okay." Ben said to himself. He soon rolled over and looked into Star's room and saw the bell was there. Ben got up and went to Star's room.

With Star.

Star and Tom were about to get there picture taken.

"I'm so excited to be covered in blood with you. But don't worry its not real its from a unicorn." said Tom

"One of my bestfriends is a unicorn." said Star

"Well their not related."

"I'm not going to bathing unicorn blood." Then Tom started to do something behind him. "What is that hand doing back there."


Star looked and saw Tom petting the bunny. "Are you getting angry?"


"Look you do you. I'm going to get a drink." Star said as she walked away it the punch bowl. Star watched as the skeleton fish swam thru the drink.

Then some creator came up to her. "So you must be Tom's date."

"Well you could say that."

"Well I hope you're happy. He made this whole entire ball completely boring for you."

"I wouldn't say its boring."

"Oh really, aloof attractive people, boring. Bubbling cauldrons that don't even melt your flesh of. What is it nap time or something, cuz I'm bored. Piece of garbage that doesn't destroy the universe. Stupid cockroach that lives inside. I'm over it already." the creator then ran away.

"You want to dance?" asked anther creator

Tom came and said. "Her dance card is full."

"Oh, I get it. I bet you think like your soul and her soul are totally going to mmmmmm." the creator said butting his hand together.

"What is mmm." said Star mimicking the creator.

Then a creator started to make an announcement. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It's my pleasure that I'm a quest you now to turn your head skyward. When the light of the Blood Moon grubels down and selects two lucky souls binding them together for eternity in it's hypnotic ruby broden."

"Wow!" said Star

The music started to play. "Oh, that is the wrong piece of music. This is gonna drive me crazy. All right don't go anywhere I'll be right back" said Tom

"Okay." then Star started to wonder around.

There was a man that was wondering around watching Star. Then soon they bumped into each other. Then a red light went over them the man offered his hand and Star took it. Then the two started to dance. Tom saw that Star was dancing with someone else and started to get mad.

"Star!" said the man

"How do you know my name?" asked Star

"It's me Ben." Ben said reviling himself

"Ben! What are you doing here?"

"I was just trying to make sure everything was alright. Then I was going to head back."

Then Tom pushed Ben and then the reed light disappeared. Then Tom's eyes turned all red. "That dance was meant for ME!" said Tom as the room started to catch on fire. Brian ran over to try to clam Tom down but Tom pushed him away. He made his way towards Ben. Ben moved back and activated his omnitrix and started to turn to select the alien. Tom flew up and Ben was about to hit the omnitirx when Star froze Tom. Then Star zapped hit button to make it say 0 days anger free.

"Lets go Ben." said Star as she was walking away. Ben deactivated the omnitirx and started to follow Star. Then soon found themselves infront of Star's window. "Thanks for the lift." Star then left the carriage angry. "So infuriating."

Then Ben left the carriage then it left. "Well you do have every right to be angry at Tom." said Ben

"No, you were infuriating."

"Me, I was just looking after you and making sure you were alright."

"You don't trust me to do things by myself. I'm 14 I can handle a demon. I know you were trying to look out for me. But you have to let me figure things out on my own. I don't need a hero I need a friend."

"I do trust you!"


"I said I do trust you. And I know what your going thru. When I first got the omnitirx I thought I could handle anything on my own and I did win some battles on my own. But I would say some of the greats battles I have won with Grandpa and Gwen's help. Yeah they knew I probably could handle it myself. But they helped because they wanted to make sure I was alright. And the worst part I never let them know how much I appreciate it. Just remember Star even if no one believes in you, I will always be there for you."

"Thanks Ben. I will say thanks to tonight I know you can dance." Then Ben and Star shared a hug and both where blushing. "Now go get us some chilly fries."


Ben 10 and Star vs The Forces of evil Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin