Capture? Who? Michael? Or is Erik back? That cannot be, I would have sensed it, he would have already come for us. Or did I misunderstand the whole thing? I guess it's kind of late to ask this.

Without having time to blink, two of the men grabbed Mila by the elbows and yanked her up from the floor. She startled, and worst of all, the baby seemed to have startled too, sending the now, rather familiar, shockwave of power throw the room and pinning the monks that grabbed her to the floor.

The one that seemed to be the leader looked at her with a hint of fear in his eyes, a lot of anger, and some repulsion.

"He fathered you a child... No wonder the other wolf said he will come for you. He certainly will. You are dangerous, as you carry an abomination yourself."

Yeah, my baby daddy is a wolf, but I doubt he will be coming. I wish he would and finish with all of you, whoever you might be. 

"Were humans not good enough for you?" he asked disdainfully.

Humans are not really crazy about me like wolf people are. It's not good, thought I would lie to say entirely bad either, just how it is.

The situation was so tragic it was funny.

"Who are you?"

"We are The Brotherhood of the Right Faith, and our mission is to clear the wold from danger and from creatures that shouldn't be."

"Everything that exists, exists with a reason and with the will of the universe, that's why it came to be, if not, it just wouldn't."

Mila strongly believed that. She believed this strange child of hers was a blessing despite everything, despite the obstacles the universe was throwing in its way from the time it was only the size of a pea. 

"You are not only dumb but also presumptuous," said the man spitting down on her. 

The Earth shook and took everyone again by surprise.

"He is here," were the only words Mila remembered because right after that, the eyes of the monk leader became black and buggy and he whispered something like a prayer that made her sleep again.


The next time she woke up, she was chained to a wall and her body felt led-heavy, her ankles were throbbing from the cuffs that were digging into her skin, and her vision was blurry.

There were voices and noises and something unusual but familiar, a whisper.

"Mila, stay with me. I have just found you. It took so awfully long."

"Kiril?" she muttered trying to lift her head towards the voice, and open her eyes. "What did they do to you?"

Countless silver chains were coiling around his arms, legs, and chest, resulting in horrible burns. His face was blood smeared but he was smiling at her.

"You should see the other guy."

There were so many things even her exhausted brain wanted to ask him and one rather unexpected but undeniable feeling was overflowing. She was happy to see him, confusingly happy.

The monk entered the room and that sufficed again for Mila to fret and for the child to send again a shockwave into the surroundings. It was much weaker than the first one but noticeable. Producing them though seemed to tire Mila terribly because her eyes fell shut. The last thing she remembered was Kiril's shocked expression, eyes wide open and mouth agape staring at her. She had never seen that expression on him before. Was she frightening even him? Him too? Him that used to be the one inspiring fear?

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