Chapter 1: Star arrival and Ben 10 returns part 1

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Star burst thru the door on a wild unicorn and road it to the end of the hall. Then got off and the unicorn busted thru the wall in front of it.

"Now Star, this wand is a big responsibility." said Moon

Then Star reached for the wand and Moon move it out of her reach.

"If it falls into the hands of evil forces the universe could be destroy."

Then Star grabbed the wand and it transformed. "Don't worry mom I can handle it." said Star

10 seconds later Star had some houses set on fire.

"She can't handle it." said Star's mom and dad

Later Star's parents were packing a carriage.

"No please, I'll be good please don't send me to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses." said Star in a sad tone then she started to scream.

"Sweetie we are not sending you there." said River

"Yet!" added Moon

"We are sending you to a safer dimension. A place called earth."

"Earth?" questioned Star

"Manfried open the portal." said River

"Goodbye Mewni." said Star as she left Mewni

On earth

"So you say your from anther dimension." said the Principal White

Star flinched the lights on and off. "And you said there was no magic on earth." said Star

"She is going to need a guide." said River

In a class room

Ben Tennyson please report to the principal's office. said over the loud speakers

"Looks like someone is in trouble." said Cash as Ben got up.

"Good one Cash." said T.J.

Ben went to the principal's office. "You wanted to see me principal White?" asked Ben

"Yes, I want you to show the new exchange student around." said principal White

Star was looking at the drinking fountain. Then pressed a button, then water came out and she took a fighting stance.

"Hello, I'm Ben Tennyson."

"Hello, I'm Star Butterfly. I'm a magical princess from anther dimension." said Star

"Well Star not many people know about magic or people from other worlds and some that do are not that friendly. So if I were you I would try keep your magic secret."

"Well thanks for the advice and the tour. See you tomorrow friend."

"See you tomorrow." then Ben got on his bike and rode off.

Few minutes later.

Ben knocked of a RV door. "Grandpa Max, open up. It's me" Ben looked in side and saw the lights were off. He picked up a rock and got the key to open the RV door. "Hello, grandpa. What happened in here?" he asked himself. Then he heard a noise. He head to the bathroom, open the door and found it was empty. Then a strange creature pulled the curtains on his right. It roared then started to attack. Ben dodge to the left. Then slapped his wrist. "Oh, man." the creature attack again and Ben dodge to the left. The creature strike but Ben blocked it with by opening the freezer door. The creature rip the door off and stroked with the other hand. Ben ducked and event under the table. The creature pulled the table up and thru it. Ben jumped to dodge the creatures next attack. The creature headed to the front of the RV. Then Ben tapped his shoulder. "Peekaboo!" then he sprayed the creature with the fire extinguisher. Sending the creature out the front windshield. "That thing was looking for something, grandpa. But what?" then Ben sat in the from seat and flicked a few switches. Then a compartment opened up. Ben grabbed what was inside. Then grandpa Max appeared.

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