[True Potential 3] The Liar

Start from the beginning

The other ninja quietly snickered amongst themselves.

"That's your dad?" Jay gently asked.

"He looks like you..." You softly mentioned. You glanced up to Cole, who was looking at you with a surprised, horrified expression. "I mean that in a good way," You quickly cleared.

"Hold on," Kai butted into the conversation. "How did the Fangblade become a trophy?"

"Uh, supposedly," Cole cleared his throat, "supposedly, there was this guy that collected artefacts... Dutch— or, no. Clutch Powers. He found it at some point and, well, turned it into the trophy."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Jay exclaimed. "Let's go get it!"

"That's, uh, a problem," Cole shut the photo album before picking it up. "I have no idea who has it."

"Well, call up your dad and—"

"Y- You can't!" Cole interrupted Kai. "He... He thinks I'm still in Ninjago City training at Marty Oppenheimer. He..." Cole let out a long sigh. "He wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but when I couldn't sing or dance, I, well... I ran away."

You had gently reached up to offer a comforting hand on Cole's shoulder.

Cole glanced your way and offered a small smile before it fell. "When he sees I can't dance," Cole continued, "he'll know I've been lying in all the letters I've been sending him."

"He... doesn't know you're a ninja?" Zane questioned.

Cole let out a dry laugh. "What, you gonna crack some joke that my old man wears a tutu?"

"...What?" You muttered.

"No, we aren't," Kai stated, "but if we're gonna have any chance at getting that Fangblade before the Serpentine do, we better get our act in tune."

"...Really?" Jay hesitantly laughed. "That the best you got?"

Kai rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Whatever. Let's just get going."

"Oh, uh," You hesitated. "Good luck?"

"'Good luck?'" Cole repeated. "You're not coming with?"

"You're going to Ninjago City, right?" You questioned. "I don't... know if I can really go with? I don't want to scare people."

"You're not scaring people," Kai said. "I think people are more scared of the Serpentine, since they're all causing trouble all the time."

"Yeah, but we've only been to small places," You softly mentioned. "And Ninjago City?"

"You'll be fine, (Y/n)," Cole persisted. He then held out a hand. "If anything goes wrong, we'll be here."

You were still very hesitant, though you eventually reached for and took Cole's hand. You stood up with a tiny smile. "Okay, fine..." You exhaled. "Let's see how many people I scare."

~ ~ ~

The great vehicle around you roughly landed against the ground. You glanced out the tinted window to watch the other ninja drive alongside.

"Get ready to jump!" Cole shouted from in front of you.

You prepared yourself and, in a flash, the large vehicle around you vanished. You extended your legs and landed, slowing your run before you managed to stop.

You let out a breath as the other ninjas' vehicles vanished, leaving only your friends. 

You and the others had changed out of your ninja gis into more casualwear. Kai, Jay, and Zane wore zip-up jackets, while Cole simply wore a hoodie. You didn't have anything special beyond a shirt and some comfortable pants.

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