[Troublemaker 2] Treehouse Turmoil

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In minutes, you and your team were dashing through the sparse forest after Zane. The white ninja was a long way ahead, but it was hard to miss his outfit in the bright green of the forest.

"How in the hell did you find this place?" Kai called after Zane.

"I had followed a bird," Zane slowed enough for you and the others to catch up.

"A bird?" You pondered. "What kind?"

"A falcon, I believe," Zane stated.

"And why did you follow it?" Kai continued.

"Because it danced."

Jay let out a snort. "You sure it was a falcon? Sounds like a cuckoo bird."

"I am quite positive," Zane stated. "Besides, cuckoo birds are not indigenous to these forests."

"They're not what?" You asked.

"This area of Ninjago is not where cuckoo birds are from," Zane quickly simplified for you. "Cuckoo birds are primarily found in denser, warmer forests."

"Neat," You said.

"You two are weird," Kai quietly mentioned.

"Thanks! You, too."

Kai only rolled his eyes at your remark.

You and the others ascended a large hill. Zane slowed near the top before crouching down and peeking over.

"Woah-ho," Cole ducked beside Zane. "Frosty's right."

You looked over the hill in great surprise. Dozens upon dozens of Hypnobrai travelled around, carrying hefty amounts of construction material for the enormous treehouse that stood in the middle of the cleared field. By your judgement, the treehouse appeared to be more than halfway complete.

"We can't let that brat get a foothold anywhere in Ninjago, not with those snakes," Kai stated. "We gotta destroy that thing before it becomes fully operational."

"Hey, hey, slow down," Jay butted into the conversation. "Are you sure? The place looks so cool! Look—" Jay pointed towards the treehouse. "There's a cool rope course there."

You did your best to follow Jay's line of sight and, sure enough, spotted a strange course within the treehouse. A few ropes dangled from the ceiling, and a sturdy net hung underneath the ropes.

"Ooh, a tree swing—!"

"Dude," Cole interrupted Jay. "Remember which side you're on."

"Guys," Kai pointed towards the top part of the treehouse. Three strong ropes were tied to certain parts of the base's roof, each leading towards a nearby tree. "It looks like the whole place is being held up by those three ropes."

"That's dumb," You muttered.

"Once those ties are severed," Kai ignored your comment, "the whole place'll fall like a house of cards."

"Why would one make a house of cards...?" Zane quietly asked. "Such construction would be careless."

"It's a metaphor," You ignored Kai's annoyed sigh as you glanced at Zane.

"Yeah!" Jay nodded. "That's the whole point. The building is kind of like a house of cards, since the Hypnobrai don't know how to properly build a treehouse—"

"Quit your yammering and let's go," Kai hissed.

"Alright, alright, Hot-Shot," Jay gave up on his explanation. "I'm just trying to bring Zane up to speed."

"Travel in shadow, guys," Cole took the lead down the hill.

There weren't too many places to hide the closer you moved to the treehouse, but the others were quick to make do. Kai had found a suitable rope to grasp onto before cutting it. The rope had been attached to a weight, and Kai flew up into the air undetected. Cole climbed underneath an elevator and hung on as it rose close to the top. Zane and Jay did their best to climb up the treehouse itself.

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