[Troublemaker 3] Remorseful Rumourmongerer

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"Are you doing alright, (Y/n)?"

"I'm okay," You quietly said. You were currently in a spare room, seated upon a lengthy bed. Your legs were being supported by a pillow, and you sat up against a wide array of extra pillows.

Wu had entered the room and approached the bed. He held a large tray with a small bowl of ramen and a glass of water. "I am glad that you are taking this in stride."

"I kind of have to," You offered a smile. You've been doing your best to power through your injury, primarily to stop the others from worrying so much about you. You were certain that if any of the others saw you cry from your pain, they wouldn't leave you alone until you were completely healed.

Wu set the tray upon the nearby nightstand before approaching the foot of the bed. You had already noticed that your ankles began to swell, with one being a bit worse than the other. Your worse sprained ankle had a couple of miniscule bruises, as well, though nothing beyond that.

Wu went through a quick inspection. "It doesn't seem as twisted as your previous injury," Wu held a small smirk as he spoke.

You softly chuckled. The last time you twisted an ankle was when you were simply a teenager. You were distracted, one day, as you ran through the training course. You had caught your foot on a small bar and sprained your ankle. It was bad enough to force you to use crutches to get around for two weeks. You had completely torn a ligament when you tripped, you wanted to assume.

You couldn't exactly head out and get an x-ray from a professional, so all you could do was assume.

This time, though, it didn't seem as bad. Maybe a small tear, but you didn't rip through anything this time.

"Perhaps a few days' worth of rest shall do," Wu mentioned.

"I thought as much..." You sighed. It certainly wasn't all that bad, but in the midst of an emergency, it definitely wasn't the best outcome. "How is Lloyd doing?"

"He is in bed, resting," Wu stated. "He had been completely unharmed during the fall. Perhaps he will thank you tomorrow."

"Maybe, maybe not," You laughed. "Not sure if he's okay with me, yet..."

"I am sure he will warm up to you in time," Wu told you. "He is a brave and strong child..."

You held a smile. Lloyd definitely seemed like so if he was able to get three separate tribes of Serpentine to listen to him, even if it didn't last as long as Lloyd wanted. 

You thought of the parchment the purple Serpentine stole from Lloyd. Was it a map of sorts? Was that why Lloyd was able to find these Serpentine. And if the purple Serpentine took the map...

It seems the rest of the Serpentine may be released soon.

Until then, you're stuck here, in bed, unable to fight the good fight.

"I hate this," You leaned back in your pillows with a sigh.

"Being injured is never a fun event," Wu stated. "You should get your rest, however. It will only cause more problems should you not properly heal."

"I know..." You replied. "I still hate it, though..."

Wu held an amused grin. "Don't we all?"

Wu handed you your very-late dinner, and you quietly enjoyed it. You engaged in a small conversation with Wu. You talked a bit about everything, though the conversation did eventually turn towards the four ninja.

"I think I scared them, though," You eventually mentioned. "When they were planning on dropping the... metal... hook."

"The anchor," Wu said.

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