[Ninja 5] (Y/n), Master of Wind

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You were up in the early hours of the morning, already taking on the training course again and again. With only a few minor scrapes and bumps, you were making good progress.

You tried to call upon your new Element as you jumped from one carousel to another. A sudden wave of dark green had flickered by your eyes, and the world around you blurred for a moment.

Your ankle caught on something, and you fell to the ground. All traces of your Element disappeared into the air. You landed on your stomach before rolling over to your back with a heavy sigh.

You were getting closer. 

You sat up before pulling yourself to your feet. You jumped at the course and tried again. You weaved through the swords and danced between the axes as you called upon your new Element once again. You spun in the air, and the dark green power within you manifested, swirling and moving around your form.

Then you crashed into a swinging punching bag. You were thrown aside and landed painfully on a wooden mast. A spark of pain shot up your back as you rolled off and finally landed on the ground. You landed face-first against the ground, far too much in pain to properly assess your injury. You quietly whined.

You were fine, you tried to tell yourself. You weren't permanently injured.

It didn't stop it from hurting like hell, though.

You shifted onto your back and stared up at the cloudy sky above. The sun had long since risen from the horizon, now hiding behind large collections of clouds. You took a small breath in and let it out. You continued to pitifully lie on the ground as your back continued to painfully ring.

"You okay, (Y/n)?"

You looked upwards to find Cole on the deck. He was in his black ninja gi already, though his Scythe of Quakes was nowhere to be found.

"Yeah," Your voice just barely cracked as you forced a small smile. "I'm fine, just... taking a break for a bit."

"...You sure you're alright?" Cole asked. He seemed really unsure.

"Yeah," You repeated. "Just need a break." You glanced back to the sky once more, mentally pointing out different shapes in the sky.

You heard footsteps, and soon the black ninja was lying beside you. His head was pressed up against yours as he stared up at the clouds, too. "Why are you training so early in the morning?"

"I kind of should," You said. "I need to learn Spinjitzu, too, since I have my own Element, now..."

"No need to push yourself this hard," Cole told you. "With Garmadon gone, there really isn't much for us to do."

"You never know when he will be back."

"But it'll be a while, right?" Cole pressed. "I mean... It takes more than a week to collect enough energy to come back from... wherever Garmadon went."

"...Maybe," You sighed.

"C'mon," Cole sat up and turned to face you. "Zane's cooking breakfast, today. We should get there early so the others don't eat it all!"

"Zane is cooking?" Despite your previous pain, you were up on your feet quick.

You and Cole entered the dining room and both quickly took a seat. Zane was just finishing up cooking and brought a few plates into the dining room. You were just about ready to dig right in.

Everyone suddenly burst out into laughter.

You had jumped in utter surprise before glancing up at everyone. Everyone except Zane was laughing.

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