[True Potential 3] The Liar

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"You sure you made this, Cole?"

"Would you all stop asking if he made the cake?" Kai asked. "We're kind of busy, here."

"I just can't get over it!" Jay exclaimed. "It tastes way too good!"

"Way to compliment my skills, Jay," Cole sourly retorted.

"And mine, too," You added. "I helped make it, too."

"What?" Jay frantically glanced between you and Cole. "...You did?"

You gently laughed. "Cole did most of the work, though."

The five of you were within the Bounty's Bridge, with Nya out and about as the Samurai. While the other ninja were contemplating whether or not Cole had made the chocolate cake from earlier, Cole was trying to research the Fangblades. Apparently, as he had told you, Cole thought that the Fangblade looked familiar, and he was trying to find out why.

"Could you all stop talking about the cake?" Kai called again from the nearby computer screen. He had shot almost everyone a glare before turning back to the screen. "We have more important things to do."

Jay leaned back in his chair, plate of chocolate cake in hand. "Well, someone's a little hot under the collar..."

"I believe his impatience is because he hasn't found his True Potential like you and I have, Jay," Zane pondered.

"Great observation, Mr Roboto," Kai sarcastically fired back, "but you're forgetting that Cole and (Y/n) haven't either."

"Kai, that's—"

"I've got it!" Cole suddenly stood up from his chair, stopping you from telling Kai off for being rude.

"What?! You have?!" Kai rapidly asked. "How— When?!"

"No, I figured out where I recognise the Fangblade from," Cole corrected himself. "I've got a photo of it, somewhere. Hold on..." Cole then left the table and the Bridge in search of his photo.

"Oh, uh..." Kai nervously laughed. "That's it? Cool, cool..."

You only exhaled and rolled your eyes. You glanced over what Cole had been searching through. An old newspaper. By your poor reading skills, the paper was from twelve years ago. In the middle-corner, you saw a picture of a group of four, one of whom looked a bit like Cole only with a moustache and a black tailored suit. 

"Found it!" Cole re-entered the Bridge with a small unlabelled book in his hands. He set the book on the table and opened it to one of the first few pages.

On the page was a standard trophy with a Fangblade's silver blade sticking out of its top

Jay let out a gasp. "That's it! Where'd you get this photo from?"

"Back where I grew up, there's this pretty big competition held every year," Cole explained. "The winner gets the Blade Cup. It gets passed around whenever there's a new winner. My dad's won it multiple times, actually."

"You never told us your father was an accomplished athlete," Zane said. "What sport?"

"Oh, uh," Cole stumbled over his words. "He's, uh... a blacksmith?"

"Nothing wrong with that," Kai held a smile and offered a short wave of a hand. "My dad was a blacksmith, though I've never heard anything about a competition—"

"No, not a, uh, blacksmith blacksmith," Cole interrupted. "A, uh... Royal Blacksmith." Cole then turned back to the photo album to flip to the next page. On the page was Cole's father, holding the Blade Cup in his hands.

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