Your contractions have gotten worse since you'd arrived. You feel like you're being torn wide open from the inside out; the worst kind of agony.

For what seems like forever, the contractions comes in terrifying waves, becoming stronger and stronger. It's like your body no longer belongs to you. It has a mind of its own as you struggle to control your breathing.

Birth was a natural process, you knew that. One that females everywhere had to endure and go through, yet you'd never experienced anything like this before? It was awful.

You were laid out on the bed, now staring up at the ceiling; your vision blurred and unfocused. You instinctively proped your feet up and parted your legs wide. It's a very unflattering position to be in, but this baby is ready to meet the world!

"Oh my god, Kyōooo!" You wail, long and hard, shuddering from the strain.

"I'm right here, (Name)! Just breathe!" You feel him at your side as he holds your hand.

He didn't even seem fazed that you held his hand in a death grip. His face briefly comes into sight above you. His golden eyes are blazing with concern and encouragement.

"Breathe, my love." He soothes.

Following the command, you inhale deeply and exhale slowly just as the door opened and in steps Shinobu holding a cup of tea.

"Ara ara~ so it's finally time, huh?" She smiles casually.

"Shinobu, now's not the time!" You groaned.

The Insect Pillar nods and held the tea cup up to your lips, "Ruru's already on her way. In the meantime, drink this, it'll help with your contractions." She says.

Without any hesitation, you gulped it down. It tasted sweet like raspberry, similar to a fruity black tea such as Earl Grey.

Soon, every muscle in your body starts to relax. Some of the discomfort fades. Sublime and downright blissful as your body relax for a beat and the shifting in your womb calms, giving you a brief rest.

"What did you give her, Shinobu?" Kyōjurō asked.

"Raspberry leaf tea," she explains, "it'll help ease the pain and make the delivery easier."

Kyōjurō nods and thanks her, before turning back to you. He affectionately caressed your face as you breathed softly.

"I can't... do this, Kyō." You mumble.

"Yes you can, my love." He encourages, leaning down to kiss your forehead in a gesture to comfort you. "You must be strong for us now."

You nod, lost in a sort of delirium. More contractions come and all you want to do is curse the Gods for making childbirth so fucking painful.

Soon the door opens again, and both Shinobu and Kyōjurō glance to see Ruru, accompanied by Aoi and two other nurses.

"Sorry I'm late! How's (Name)?" She asked, sounding like she'd ran a marathon to get here.

"She's doing well..sort of? She's nearing true labor." Shinobu explains.

"Alright then, let's begin the procedure."

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now