Klaus - Eternity Can Have Hope

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Request from bvbwestfall Tumblr. Can i request where ( reader ) you are new to the whole vampire thing and your not coping very well you accidentally kill your family and you want to die so you go to haley your old friend but klaus mikaelson wants you to be the godmother of hope if anything where to happen to them since Haley and you were close at a time.

Pressing the phone to my ear I started breathing heavy walking down the streets of New Orleans coming from my house in blood stained clothes. My hair is wet and sticky as I started sobbing at what I had just done...to my whole family. I was recently turned into a vampire by Klaus Mikaelson after some vampires attacked me and Hayley since werewolves were banned in the Quarter. "Y/n, what's wrong. Why are you crying?" She asked immediately answering my call. "Hayley I - I'm coming to your house and I - I need you to bite me. I can't live like this - I killed them - I can't live with that pain!" I could still see my parents bodies on the floor drained of their blood even though it was an accident. My mom was cooking and I lost it when she cut her finger and I smelt the smallest drip of blood. I was a monster tonight and I'll be one forever so what's the point.

Hayley instantly opened the front door before I even had the chance to knock. She pulled me inside leading me up the stairs closing the door seeing the state of my clothes. "I'll get you a change of clothes. Then we need to talk." She left me alone to change out of my clothes and take a shower where I knew she could hear me through the house now being a hybrid from birthing Hope. Exiting the shower I leaned in the doorway wearing one of her shirts and pants seeing her sitting on the foot of the bed. "So explain to me why you want me to kill you because you should know there's no way in hell I'm doing that." She explained talking my hands in hers as I started crying again flinging my arms around her neck and she hugs me back. "I can't live with myself, Hayley. I slaughtered my parents and - they were all I have. I'm alone now - there's nothing that makes me happy anymore. And I don't understand these feelings for Klaus but there are driving me crazy - so kill me!"

Someone vamped up the stairs where we turn our focus towards the doorway seeing Klaus holding little baby Hope in his arms where I nearly sighed in relief. He looked even more attractive holding a baby in his arms. "Y/n, I can give you two reasons to keep living as a vampire. One is the most important because it involves looking after my little girl if anything were to happen to us.." He slowly walks up smiling down at the infant sleeping in his arms. Separating from my best friend I gasped barely believing that the great hybrid was making me godmother to his child. "You're serious about this, Klaus...making me godmother why..." Hayley takes her from him so he could slowly tuck hair behind my ear making me lock onto his blue eyes. He gently wiped away the tears on my face leaving his face to rest against my face and I leaned into his touch. "Yes love I'm serious. You gave your life in an attempt to rescue Hope from the witches and for that I learned two things. One that you would do anything to protect the child of your best friend..."

"And the other reason being what exactly?" I asked tilting my head to the side until he cupped the other side of my face suddenly pressing his lips onto mine deeply. I gasped moving one foot back and my hands ran up his chest wrapping around his neck. Part of my brain said to pull away and the other half said to jump into bed with him. He broke the kiss cradling my face in his hands. "I love you, Y/n. I would tear the world apart if anyone hurts you and I want to treat you like the queen you should have always been treated as." Avoiding his gaxe for a second I sucked in a breath thinking back to my parents. "But I killed my parents...I'm a monster in their eyes as they died." I blurted out until he wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me closer brushing my nose against his. "You're parents didn't treat you like you deserved I am sorry to say. But you're not a monster like I am...you are still the light to my darkness. Now...do you want me to show how beautiful you are." I giggled before he vamped me onto his bed in my head seeing he had already ditched his shirt so I yanked mine over my head. He smirked crashing his lips gently onto mine where I kissed him back deeply moaning in enjoyment letting him show me that there is good things about being a vampire.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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