Kol - Mikaelson Mate

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Request from _JasperHale_
Kol finds the reader being held by Marcel after helping his family get power and discovers she's his mate.

Author note
This is my first time writing a mate type request. Sorry if it's not great.

"Marcel let me go. This isn't how you treat fellow vampires in the quarter!" I snarled wincing from the vervain ropes holding me down as he watches from his chair in his apartment. I believed the quarter would've been in better hands than his, he's banished all witches and werewolves from here. My best friends are of those two supernatural groups. "Y/n, the simple truth is you betrayed me. So this is your punishment." The door gets kicked open and I gasped seeing Kol enter swinging his baseball bat in his hands with a serious look on his face. "Marcel, let her go right now!" He gets to his feet yanking the vervain chains making me cry out.

Kol winces a little too but even with my watery eyes I see burn marks appear in the same spot on his body, matching mine. What the hell. "I suggest you leave us before I put a stake through your heart." Marcel pulled out a stake but Kol vamps forward starting a fight with him. Ever cut or bruises Kol receives I feel the same injury appear on me. Finally though Kol managed to snap Marcel's neck then rushing to break my chains. "K - Kol, why could I feel your injuries?" I crock out in tears slowly feeling them heal thanks to being a vampire. His hands cup my face staring into my eyes, a small smile on his face. "You're my soul mate Y/n."

"Kol, that's impossible. Only witches or werewolves have those." I try putting the pieces together but come up blank. He gets to his feet slowly helping me up to my feet. "You were a witche before you were turned. As was I. So nature found a way." He rests a hand to my cheek as I searched his eyes thinking its a joke. "I don't understand - how - who told you?" He kisses my forehead feeling my legs give out from under me, he catches me bridal style. "I asked Freya. She'll explain everything later."

My head falls against his chest as my whole body aches from the tons of vervain shoved into my bloodstream. He vamps us back to the mansion laying me under the covers and climbing behind me. An arm draped over my stomach as I shifted to put my face in the crook of his neck. "Get rest my mate. I'll be here to protect you." He mumbled into my hair as my eyes finally fell close, knowing as long as I'm in the arms of Kol Mikaelson, apparently my soulmate I'm always safe.

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