Damon - Confession in the Rain

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Request from @tyrionsprincess29 on Tumblr. Could you do a damon short where its raining out and y/n had a bad date that elena set her up with a friend of hers  and she goses to damons place and he tells her he fell in love with her since her frist saw her.

Slamming my car door closed I run through the heavy rain crying at how much I don't like Elena. She set me up on a date with someone from school but the guy didn't even bother to stay long for the date. He made up some reason to leave earlier. Banging on the front door of the Salvatore house I can feel tears running down my cheeks as I'm getting soaked. Finally the door opened for me to see Damon who breaths out my name pulling me inside the house quickly. "Y/n, what on earth are you doing out here in the pouring rain?"

"I let Elena set me up on a blind date. The guy showed up and he tried do hard to rush through the date!" I shouted as he has me stand in front of the burning fireplace to get warm. Damon suddenly questioned staring into my eyes determined. "Do you want me to go get him?" Rolling my eyes I push my hands against his chest knowing he meant he might kill him. "No, he's not worth it Damon." He rolled his eyes walking over and drinking some bourbon from his glass flopping down on the couch, his eyes still trained on me. The oldest Salvatore brother securely had been in love with you since he first met you. But kept his feelings to himself fearing you wouldn't feel the same.

Wrapping my arms around myself I glanced behind me to the vampire watching me. When I met Damon he tried flirting with me at one of the school dances. But I pushed him away not needing to get involved in the supernatural world m, at least not anymore than I already am. "Honestly was it something I said or how I looked. I mean, is every guy wanting to be with Elena and not. Am I not worth it?" I asked myself out loud before my back gets pressed up against the side of the fireplace by Damon. I gasped but he doesn't let me get a word out because he crashes his lips down onto mine.

"You are worth it, Y/n. Lisen to me you are. And anyone who doesn't want you is the stupidest man alive." He admitted breaking the kiss where are lips are inches from touching. My hands rest on his shirt feeling my heart race at the thought of kissing him. His kiss was addictive where I throw my arms around his neck kissing him back. He wrapped my legs around his waist kissing me until I broke it. "I love you Damon." He rests his forehead against mine grinning. "I've loved you since the day we met, Y/n." He vamps me upstairs where my back hits the matrices before he presses his lips to mine again.

Comments really appreciated :)

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