Klaus - Blood Deal

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Request from @sessa23 on Tumblr. The reader makes a deal with Klaus to stop hunting her friends in exchange for her blood to make hybrids. Rebekah and the reader are also friends.

It's now or never Y/n. You're just trying to make a deal with the strongest supernatural creature on Earth. Slowly knocking on the front door of his mansion I feel a lump in my throat when he opens the door. "Y/n love, here to see my sister I presume." I entered his house before he shut the door. "Not today no. There's something I want to talk with you about Nik - I mean Klaus." He strolled into the den with a burning fireplace sitting on the sofa knowing I'd follow him. "Now love I thought I'd made it clear you can call me Nik since being best friends with dear sister Rebekah."

I strolled over to stand in front of the burning fireplace eyeing my friends brother. "I'm here to make a deal about my friends." Intertwining my hands together in front of me. His blue eyes lock on me as his usual smirk graced his lips. "So you want to protect the Save Elena gang. Tell me sweetheart what would I get in return for sparing your friends?" Taking two steps forward I pull out a document with blood test results that I did from the hospital. "According to this I'm somehow part of Elena's bloodline. Like her cousin or something so I have the blood you need."

"Y/n you're saying you'll provide me the way to create hybrids?" His eyes scan the paper looking up at me in shock. I slowly nod my head yes when he rose to his feet striding up until we're inches away from each other. Since I'm shorter than him I have to tilt my head up. I'd be lieing if I said I didn't find him attractive, but our relationship or whatever you call it is formed out of mutual respect. "All I ask of you Nik is that you compel me to forget once I leave. So they don't suspect anything."

Klaus had to admit he admired you're bravely for coming here. Not simply expecting him to give you whatever you want just because you're best friends with his sister. But having the heart to give yourself up to him. "I'll even come here every day and let you drink from my neck. Whatever I have to so you'll say yes." He watched her go into puppy dog eyes. "Stop talking love, I already agreed when you walked through the door." He holds a finger to her lips shooshing her. His hands cupping her face gently a smile meeting his lips.

"Nik what do I do now?" I asked feeling my cheeks turn a light pink. He eyes my neck but gently holds my right wrist in his revealing his fangs and golden eyes. But he looks for the okay and I slowly nod before he bites into my skin. He only took a few sips before biting into his own holding it out for me. Holding his wrist I drink some of his until my wrist heals. His left hand brushes hair out of my face asking nicely. "What do you want me to compel you to remember Y/n?"

Twisting the ends of my shirt I breathe out slowly trying to keep my heartbeat down since this is the first time we've been super close like this. "You choose, I trust you." He parts his lips while his other hand cups my face tilting his head to the side for a moment until he deeply locks on my eyes. "You'll forget our deal we made when you leave my sight. The only thing you'll remember is that you came here looking for my sister but she's busy so you went home after you confused something to me..."

He pauses as my eyes hazed over being compelled. "If the circumstances were different for us. I'd be your first love Y/n L/n." He gently leaned down kissing me. I kissed back not knowing it's part of the compulsion. He pulls away feeling my hands grip his grey shirt blushing before walking off. "I'll see you later, Nik." He watched your body disappear around the corner a weakly smile on his lips. "Until tomorrow, Y/n."

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