Stefan - Rare Cure

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Request from sessa23 on Tumblr. Stefan salvatore x reader. Reader is a witch but a rare form of witch whose powers are activated when they kill someone. The reader ends up killing someone accidentally and they are compelled to forget. The next day the witch gene is activated and they have their magic as well as memories which were compelled away.

Witches are born with magic. Each with their own unique gifts, except for me. My powers aren't that way....they are a curse. Wiping away heavy tears I clutch my hands around my boyfriend's jacket. He runs one hand through my hair trying to calm me down as all my forgetten memories of the horrible moment come racing back all at once. My power could only be activated after I kill someone like in the werewolves curse in the full moon. So almost face the same fate as Tyler Lockwood.

Running through the woods at night I hope to god a new hungry vampire doesn't find me. Klaus thought it would be a good idea to have Jeremy hunt down new vampires that are sent to kill me a simple human/witch who has activated her powers yet. Jumping over fallen trees I hear my heartbeat thumping in my ears. But my boot gets caught on a log and someone slammed me into a tree. Blinking my eyes to clear my vision I see a vampire pop its fangs about to bite my neck until I clutch my hands into fists blasting the vampire back harshly.

While he's on the ground I managed to grab a small wooden stake I kept hidden inside my boot and plugged it into his heart when he got to his feet trying to bite me again. Falling with his body I don't dare release my grip on the stake until a whooshing sound and another voice called out to me. The vampires body turned grey as Damon pulled me to my feet.  "Y/n, hey look at me. Look at me." I start sobbing seeing the dead body at our feet, the thing I caused. "No, no, no, I did this  - I killed him." He forces me to look into his eyes hating to see me hurt. "Forget about this night Y/n. This night never happened okay."

I'd stayed the night at the Salvatore house getting a drunk but when someone entered the kitchen I somehow threw a knife getting it stuck in the wall. Stefan stood there stunned as was I about what happened and then somehow I remembered everything about last night. "I almost killed you Stefan - I killed someone." I gasped feeling him pull me into his chest kissing my hair. "Sssshh it'll be okay. We'll get through this together." I pray that he's right and that I can deal with my magic.

Comments appreciated :)

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