Klaus - You're a Destined Mikaelson

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Request from @catmikaelson20 on Tumblr. Y/n is forced to marry Jackson Kenner to protect her child (Hope) and her pack. Everything is set in stone until Klaus interprets the wedding.

Weddings are supposed to be with someone you love. In this case for me it's to protect someone I love. My child, the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson. I was a young teenager when I met and fell for his charms. Although stupid enough to sleep with the man and by some crazy supernatural power carry his daughter Hope. The doors opened where I carry the small flowers that my daughter picked out in my hands. Beginning to walk down to where I will marry Jackson. I'd rather be marrying Klaus but the wolves of the bayou don't agree that he's a good father. Jackson is the one that they trust and once he marries me his pack will be given the ability of a hybrid. Half werewolf half vampire just like Klaus and I are. Jackson takes my hands in his smiling and I give him a small one until the church doors burst opened revealing Klaus Mikaelson. "Klaus, what are you doing here?" I asked feeling Jackson step in front of as a form of protection.

"I'm here to win back my queen. That's why I'm here. Now could you kindly tell your pack to stand down or I'll have to attack the lot of them." Klaus gestures with his arms out seeing the wolves of Jackson's pack all circling him. Jackson bawled his hands into fists at his side shoving me behind him. "She's not yours, Mikaelson. You just think that because she birthed you a child. But your different than us, a monster. You can't possibly care for Y/n the way a man should. The way I will." Jackson turned to kiss me but he gets his neck snapped by Klaus. The wolves started to attack but our little daughter does a spell freezing them in there place. I shuffle my feet backwards as he slowly walks up to me with a weak smile, taking my hands in his. I didn't want to accept or believe that I still have feelings for him. Because he is a monster sometimes, until you see the other side when he rarely let's his guard down. That's the side that I can't shake from my mind no matter how much I try too.

Tilting my head down I feel myself blush when he tilts my chin back up. So I'll look into those blue eyes that would turn gold when he went full hybrid on anyone. "Y/n, I know you want to deny our attraction. To be honest I did when I first laid eyes on you. I wanted to believe it was a trick my mother was playing on me. Thinking that I couldn't  - wouldn't find someone who made me better. But..." He reaches into his pocket showing me an engagement ring. He dropped down on one knee making me release a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. "I love you. I love you, I love you. There's nobody else who has given me love in the thousands years I've been alive, except for you and Hope. I don't want to mess it up by letting you marry someone else. You are and have only ever been fit to be a Mikaelson. To become my wife. Because no one else will give the romance of a thousand years and more...so please,  Y/n L/n will you marry me?"

"I uh - can you really protect me and my pack - Klaus they can't keep turning every moon." I trailed off wanting so badly to say yes. But my pack of wolves comes first since I am there Alpha. The only reason I was marrying Jackson was because he promised he would find a way to not have them turn every full moon. Klaus squeezes my hands in his tears in his eyes that make me almost cry. "I promise, love. You and your pack will become my family. That's what being a Mikaelson is all about. Protecting the ones you love." Without thinking I throw my arms around his neck almost making him fall onto his back. He wrapped his strong arms around me, burying his face in the crook of my neck making me laugh. "Yes...yes I'll marry you." He breaks the hug slipping the ring on my left hand and getting to his feet. Hope ran up begging with her cute eyes. "Can I still be the flower girl, please?" Klaus and I both chuckled until I picking her up in my arms grinning. "Yes little princess. You were always going to be the flower girl."

Comments really appreciated :)

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