Damon - Vampire to the Rescue

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Request from animegeek122308 Damon helps his diabetic girlfriend when her surgar is low.

Sorry if I get something wrong. I am not diabetic so I don't know how to write it exactly

Laying on the couch by the large fireplace in the Salvatore house I scroll through my phone waiting for Damon to come back. Elena annoying Gilbert who was turned into a vampire had turned off her humanity switch. So the brothers needed to help her. Damon instructed I stay here so I don't get killed or something by no feelings Elena. Sitting up on the couch I can barely hold my phone feeling my body starting to shake really bad. Most people would believe it's just a cold chill humans get them sometimes. But it's not it means my blood sugar is low. Pushing myself up I stumbled into the side of the cough since it messes with my balance.

I know what you're probably thinking right about now. Y/n why are you a diabetic human dating a vampire. Well it goes like this I'm friends with Alaric Saltzman the towns vampire hunter/history teacher at the high school. I'd come to this town with him when he wanted to kill Damon. He obviously didn't and we somehow fell into a romantic relationship together. Reaching his bedroom I struggle to get to the bathroom without hitting the bed and getting a bruise or two. Grabbing the test I feel my heart best increase reading the number 54. I need to get some candy now before this gets worse.

The front door opened downstairs for me to hear Damon calling for me as I see some candy bars on the top shelf of his dresser. Reaching up on my tippy toes I strain trying to reach it. Just as my fingers nearly grab it my whole body shakes and I collapse onto the bedroom floor. A whooshing sound enters the room and my boyfriend picks me up laying me down on the bed. "Y/n, what were you thinking. Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked searching for signs of injuries finding nothing. "Low - sugar" I shivered out holding up the test weakly. He immediately vamps getting the candy then back to my side. "I'm sorry for putting it to high for you baby." He apologized as I rip it open biting off a big chunk of the candy bar.

"Damon it's fine. Did you save the girl?" He brushes hair from my face climbing up beside me in the bed, laying my head on his chest. "Don't worry about that. All I'm concerned about right now is you." Tilting my head up towards him I finished off another candy bar feeling my body not shacking as bad as it was earlier. He wrapped his arms around my snuggling into my embrace. "I love you, Damon Salvatore." He kisses my forehead feeling my eyes staring to close all comfortably in his arms. "I love you too, Y/n L/n. I'll always take care of you." He rests his chin ontop of my head closing his eyes for a little bit too.

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