Ken - Unique Affair pt 2

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Rebekah must reunite with her ex and tell her daughter the truth of how they met (Read part 1 first)

"We're leaving. Pack you things immediately!" Mother demanded dragging me into the house clearly frustrated. Pulling my arm from her's I drop my arms at my side not understanding why she's so upset. "Mom wait. What's the big deal. I don't want to leave New Orleans." She spun around in her black heels flashing her vampire fangs. I take a few steps backwards scared at first. Growing up she only did that when she was really angry when I broke something or someone pissed her off. "We have to leave - to run before he gets here. I refuse to let him anywhere near you!" I started to say something but the front door gets blown opened making us shuffle backwards. Two figures entered one I immediately recognized as Ken but the other I had no clue who he was. The other guy wears blue armor covered in seaweed, carrying a pitch fork with white hair. Blue eyes locked onto my mother taking two steps forward. "It's been a long time, Bekah...I've missed you."

She crossed her arms over her chest her hair falling over her shoulders pouting up to the taller man. My eyes flickered between them and Ken seeing him just send a smile my way. "Get the hell out my house,Seidon. Like I told your lacky over there my daughter won't marry him!" My mouth hangs open immediately I push myself in between the two parents shock written on my face. "You're Poseidon...meaning you're my father?" He nods his head taking my hand in his free one kissing the palm of it. He bows never breaking eye contact with me. "Yes my child I am. It's a pleasure to finally meet my little ocean princess." Glancing over my shoulder putting my hair in my eyes I tuck it behind my ear. "Mom, why are you so mean to him. Why wasn't I allowed to meet him until now?" She glanced to her feet not saying a word bringing silence to the room. I can feel the tense mood between the pair, actually more from my mother then my father. He seems nice so I don't know why she has issues with him. "He wanted me to abandon the surface world forever, sweetheart. That's why I kept him from meeting you."

"We met when I was walking along the pear one night. You're uncle Klaus and I had a fight so I went for a walk. I fell for his charms and mysterious ways. But when I fell pregnant he demanded I come with him under the sea to Atlantis. Yet I have been daggered through decades so I want to experience this world instead of the waters below." She ran a hand through her hair with her other hand firmly on her hip. Ken finally moved away from the door speaking directly to my mother bending down on a knee before her. "Ms. Mikaelson, I don't intend to take your daughter away from you forever. I simply want to call her mine and treat her like the royalty she was born to be. I will do whatever I must to convince you that my intentions are pure." I finally called out to him having him turn his head back my direction resting his arm on his knee. "I'm not sure I want to marry you, Ken. I feel something for you. But I don't know anything about you." Ken rose to his feet taking my hands in his gently giving me a soft smile replying like a vow. "Y/n, I understand that. I won't force you into marriage. All I ask is that we are together. So I'll - date as you say in this world." Mother gave me a nod hesitantly before I gave him a soft kiss and he kissed back with a smile.

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