Damon/Stefan - Salvatore Calling

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Request from tyrionsprincess30 on Tumblr. Can you you do a vampire diaries short where damon and stefan find out they have a little  sister.

Damon couldn't stand the constant ringing of his cellphone from an unknown phone number. It was driving him insane where he couldn't enjoy his evening Bourbon in front of the large fireplace. Foosteps came into the room where he saw it was Stefan who picked his phone out of his pocket declining the call. "I'm this close to tossing all cellphones into the fireplace just to stop hearing that tone." Damon waved his fingers around in the air before his brother stood in front of him. "Maybe we should answer it. Because I just got a text from the sheriff that says we need to come see her now."

Entering the sheriff office the pair saw Liz Forbes sitting at her desk hanging up the phone when they walked in. "Liz, what do you need to see us for exactly?" Damon questioned resting his hands on the wooden chair sitting in front of her desk. Stefan was just leaning against the wall until the door creaked open at Liz's words. "There's a girl that came into town the same time as Klaus did. Saying she was looking for her family. So Damon, Stefan I'd like you to meet Y/n Salvatore." Stefan narrowed his eyes turning around to see a girl that almost resembled their mother Lily to a T stating back at them. The girl tucks her hair behind her ear walking forward. "I know you probably don't remember me but I'm your sister...Klaus turned me." This causes Damon to spin around on his feet vamping the girl against the wall.

"That's impossible. You're lieing our sister is dead." He bared his teeth showing his fangs making Liz gasp behind him. Stefan grabbed his brothers other arm calming him down before he tried killing the strange girl he slightly recognized. "Woah, woah easy. Can you give us a clue to go off of. Uh - something only we as your siblings would know." The girl choked for air underneath Damon's hold staring into his icy blue eyes. "Damon used to call me (y/n/n) - (your nickname)." He suddenly released the girl allowing her to take a breath feeling tears fall from his eyes. Stefan immediately embraced the girl he thought he'd never see again in a hug that she returned. "Y/n, you're alive - you're a vampire." She heard her eldest brother cry in tears running forward and hugging him happily. He buries his face in her hair hearing her sigh in relief. "I'm never separating from you two again." For once in their immortal lives the Salvatore brothers would have to thank Klaus Mikaelson.

Comments really appreciated :)

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