Ken - Guide to my Heart

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Request from hcwthewestwaswcn on Tumblr. Can I have a fluffy request with Ken and Y/N ( First time writing for him so I hope I get his character personally right 😊 )

Opening my eyes I wake up in a beautiful field filled with roses and flowers colored orange that is my favorite color. Glancing around I run a hand through my hair confused as to how I got here. "I'm glad you're awake Lady Y/n." Whipping my head around to a voice I scream seeing someone I don't recognize. He has blonde hair and dark eyes but is without a doubt attractive. "Who the heck are you?" I raised my voice feeling my heart beating faster especially when the stranger offered me his hand. Reluctantly I put my hand in his when he pulled me to stand on my feet finally answering my question from earlier. "I'm Ken, King of the Gods."

"The Gods are real - I'm sorry but you can't be serious." I snorted resting a hand over my mouth seeing Ken raise a brow. He waved his right hand suddenly making a golden crown appear in his hands. "Is this proof enough for you. Because I must say I am finding to enjoy your company." Crossing my arms over my chest I shake my head waving my hand to create a bow and arrow in my hands from my magic. "I can do magic too. So sorry if I'm not falling for your charm, Ken was it." He stepped up sitting the crown on my head gently resting one hand to my face, causing me to blush lightly. "I have seen a girl like you in my head while I was asleep. So I vow to treat you like a Queen. Tell me you don't feel something when I do this..." At first I don't know what he means until he pressed his lips down onto mine and I felt my guard go down actually enjoying it.

Pushing my hands against the armor I break the kiss feeling my face even reder than before. Running my hands through my hair I try to catch my breath avoiding gaze with him. I am just a normal witch so how on Earth can a God want me. He made a point that my past relationships didn't work out well. Picking the crown off my head I sigh spinning around and kissing him immediately. He wrapped one arm around me until I broke it again needing air. "I don't know why but I can't resist you. So I'm gonna stop fighting, Ken. Show me your heart and I'll be your guide to mine." He smiled cradling my face up for another kiss. "Whatever you desire, Lady Y/n."

Comments really appreciated:)

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