Caroline - Forbes Friendship

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Request from sessa23 on Tumblr. Caroline x reader (the reader is their friend) where Caroline tells the reader that they are a vampire but instead of freaking out, the reader is fine with it.

Entering my best friends bedroom I could already tell she had something she needed to get off her chest. Caroline always has this trait where she can't keep something a secret. Sometimes it's good and bad. "So Care, why didn't you want to talk on the phone?" I asked sitting on her bed as she closed her door, locking it which was odd for her. She sits away from me at the other end of her bed, twirling a new ring she had told me she bought at a dress shop a few ago after her car crash with Matt. She had ended up in the hospital but wasn't there for long.

"Y/n I have something to tell you and I need you to promise you won't scream afterwards." She explained making me raise my eyebrows at home weird she's acting. "A secret or gossip?" She blurted out twisting some of her blonde hair nervously. "Like a secret that you must promise to keep forever." I slowly nod trying to think of what it could but coming up blank. "You know how everybody was suprised I came home early from the hospital...without any bruises or anything..." I nodded seeing she's avoiding my gaze. "Caroline, where's all this going. Just tell me what you've gotta say." I exclaimed not used to her taking so long to tell me something.

She throws her hands up in the air finally letting a weight off her chest. "I'm a vampire!" She gasped covering her hands over her mouth scooting away from me. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if you never want to see me again. God - I'm a monster get away." My mouth hangs open at hearing her say she's a supernatural. Everyone in Mystic Falls was taught to fear and hate vampires so I know that's what she thinks. I should think she's a monster but when I look at her. All I see is my childhood best friend Caroline who would do anything for her friends. "You know what Y/n you should just leave. " She gets up from the bed unlocking her door hanging her head down ashamed.

"Caroline, I'm not afraid of you." Getting to my feet I step up taking her hands in mine. She finally meets my eye slowly asking at my statement. "You're not. How I don't understand. I thought you'd be..." I squeeze her hands in mine smiling at my friend. "I'm not afraid because you're still you. You're still my best friend...and basically a badass now." I chuckled and she does too coming in for a hug. I immediately hug  her back smiling hearing her happily sigh in relief. "Thank you. Thank you Y/n, I didn't want to lose you as a friend." I whispered in her ear still holding onto my bestie. "You'll never lose me, Care."

Comments really appreciated :)

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