xxviii - amidst the flowers, smells the sea

Start from the beginning

"Michael stay close to me now-!" Tubbo yells the moment he notices his little son getting off course. Now, the child defies his father's orders and more on gets close to any pretty thing he sees, unlike Tommy.

The mute only looks around, he seems disinterested to his surroundings and would rather go home, Tubbo worries about that, "Are you okay? We can go back if it's too much."

Tommy shakes his head, and signs a few words to reassure his friend. So, Tubbo lets it go and leads the two away from the server and towards the valley he's been talking about. It's not that far, and besides, the walking was worth it.

The valley is filled with flowers of all kinds, making the greens superfluous full of colourful wildflowers in different shades of hue.

Michael looks like he finds this place familiar so he dashes towards it and immediately plops himself down to a random flower bed.

Tommy wanders the view, his eyes could almost water at the sight. The other only laughs and drags him closer to it.

His grip is cold..Is he nervous?

Resting over a patch of dandelions and poppies, Tubbo sighs exasperatedly, tired of the day's journey.

The two didn't seem as exhausted as him, so the child started to pick random flowers; whichever was the prettiest of them all.

Tommy eventually plucks a random cornflower, finding it familiar, but unable to grasp which memory he's trying to recall. He's still struggling with that, and it has been annoying.

His eyes dart back to Tubbo and cocks his head when he notices his friend is holding a book and reading its contents. His curiosity led him in asking what book this could be,

"Oh, something Phil gave me. I don't think it's a good idea for you to know what it's all about." That made Tommy cross his arms and purse his chapped lips in the slightest, attempting to narrow his eyes too.

His grey ones stare back at Tubbo's blue ones, he gave in, "It's just about the things Phil wrote while he was taking care of you. The things that happened, information I should know in taking care of you, so I won't fuck up and you won't get hurt."

Tommy nods and pets his head before panning his attention to something else. At least he didn't push, thank the gods. Tubbo sighs and continues reading.

Techno showed Tommy around the changes of the cabin. He seemed excited seeing all the animals, fond of them now. Therapy is going well, it seems that as long as he won't get triggered, his symptoms won't be severe. So if possible, trigger him little to never. Better to prevent than solve the issue, especially for Tommy's sake. It hurts to see him in any pain more than he has already been through.

Tubbo bites his lower lip before flicking a few pages. Some entries were lighthearted, and some were..upsetting to read. Especially his suicide.

Kristin saved him because dying by your own hands defies any rules including being revived. I couldn't save him, I owe everything to her. But Tommy didn't recover much from it, it's almost painful. The things we worked hard on, we had to start over. He forgot how to walk again, to communicate to us, the things he did for the past few days. Techno didn't take it well and distracted himself so he won't get too affected by it. But we know well it hurts to be forgotten. Tommy seems to be in great pain, but unable to say anything. It's like he couldn't, or shouldn't. There are things he's hiding, and if he couldn't say them, then Dream could. That bastard, I will make him taste his own medicine. In time, he shall pay.

'Lesson learned: never mess with Dadza.' Tubbo chuckles at his own joke before raising his head up to check what the two have been up to.

Michael places a flower crown brimmed with dandelions, daisies and a few chamomiles too. Tommy looks..less tense now, his shoulders now lowered but his hand remains on holding that cornflower.

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