xxvi - best friends

Start from the beginning

After that, he has to stitch him up, hopefully Tommy won't mind.

"Alright..we're good to go." Tubbo murmurs, pulling off the bloody bandages, cringing at the sight of dried blood and the gaping wound in front of him.

Since the other one doesn't seem to find it disturbing, he continues his work, "This is going to hurt..hold on there, alright?" He warns and starts to pierce the needle with thread to his friend's skin.

It amazes him that Tommy no longer reacts anymore.

It's almost..it's almost uncanny.

He appreciates that he doesn't look like he's in any pain, but saddened by the fact that he couldn't be..present right now. It's like he's off somewhere in his head, wherever that is,

"I don't get why you did this..You probably slipped but it looks like what you did is intentional..so you better tell me once you get to respond again." Tubbo scolds him, before frowning..then sighing, continuing his stitches,

"Fuck sake..I shouldn't really pressure you to do much. Leaving the cabin must be hard, I heard you had a lot of fun there." He murmurs, missing Tommy's constant replies every time he talks,

"You must have gotten overwhelmed or something, I shouldn't even be mad at you and for some reason I am." He tears up, upset,

"I don't want to lose you, Tommy..Not another one, I hate..I hate to lose more people. I already lost Ranboo, I almost lost Michael..not you Tommy..Out of all people, please not you.." He sniffles, trying to compose himself, before continuing to stitch.

He's a fucking mess right now, it's almost annoying, "I get that his ghost is still around, and I know there's a little bit of Ranboo in him, but the rest..he's like a different person to me. He's not the same..and he doesn't treat me the way Ranboo does. He treats the world differently, responds differently, everything. Like Wilbur and Ghostbur stuff.."

He's almost done, and he prefers this to be over already, "I miss him, big man..I miss Ranboo a lot. He's just..god, if he's back, he'd be worried sick and try to get me to bed for hours on end. He's like that..I miss him."

Tommy blinks looking down to see him being sewed, he eyes Tubbo who has his eyes on the wound being patched up,

"Ghostboo's different. And now he's off with some different people, and for some reason that makes me jealous. Either seeing him around other people, or the fact that he's happy while Ranboo's in his fucking limbo. It pisses me off..everything can just piss me off at this point." He laughs, lamently, already knotting up the whole work,

"Maybe I should figure out what to do with him. So that I can finally end this fucking hell I'm dealing. I'm exhausted." He closes his eyes, plopping the materials away, fatigued.

He opens them again though when he felt someone was petting his head, and of course it would be Tommy, "Hey, boss man..You're doing great over there, yeah? Sorry I ranted to you, didn't mean to."

Tommy lets go and signs 'Thank you'. Tubbo smiles and nods at that before Tommy could ask if he's alright through signs, "I'm alright man just..tired..of everything." Tubbo sighs with a smile,

"Still grieving, miss Ranboo, fucking hate his ghost, dealing with kid..taking care of you. It's been hard." Tommy frowns more, unable to react to that, "It's okay, Tommy. I'll be alright, you'll be alright too. Somehow."

Carefully, he wraps Tommy some new bandages around his whole arm, making it firm but not too tight, Tubbo sighs and gets up, "I should make ourselves some dinner, yeah? You rest well." He pats Tommy by the back before leaving.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now