[Musician 3] Accelerando

Start from the beginning

You didn't know how to feel. You welcomed Cole's encourage with open arms, but a part of you told you that he wouldn't be saying all of that should he really learn how you felt about him and the others. 

Cole had glanced back up, and he must have seen the conflicted feelings within your eyes. "...Is... something else going on?"

"I-..." You hesitated. "I... don't know... if I can really talk about it properly..."

Cole appeared ready to ask further questions, but he stopped himself. "...Do you wanna do something? Together?"

You pondered for a moment. "...What do you mean?"

"To try and take your mind off things," Cole quickly added. "Like I said, I'm not really all that great in talking, but... I could help try and distract you from it, if it would help?"

"If... you're okay with that," You gently replied. "Did you have something in mind?"

Cole held a surprised expression before his gaze dropped down to your interlaced hands. "...How about some baking?"


"You know how to bake things?" Cole asked. "We could... make a cake together, if that seemed okay."

"A cake?" You questioned. You were a little bit hesitant. It was only a short bit after lunch, and you hadn't even touched the sandwiches Cole brought you. "...I'll eat first," You gently replied, "then we could make something."

A smile bloomed on Cole's face. "Cool! And I promise I'll do my best to follow the recipe."

Your smile grew just a bit more. "I'll make sure of that." 

You hesitantly took your small plate of sandwiches and silently ate them. Cole did his best to keep up a conversation, though all he really talked about was what kind of cake you wanted.

You didn't really request anything specific, and when Cole shared that his favourite was chocolate, you ended up deciding on that. 

You finished up your small meal and slowly moved out of bed. With Cole by your side, ensuring that you weren't still hurt, you went to the kitchen. Cole softly hummed a tune as he looked around for a cookbook. 

"Here it is," Cole pulled out a worn cookbook from a shelf. He flipped through it for a bit before setting the book onto the counter with a small smile. "Everything's right here!"

You shuffled to beside Cole and peered into the book's open page. At a quick glance, you knew you were going to have a rough time reading. "Egg, chocolate, milk, uh, flour... something sugar?"

"Granulated sugar," Cole read out for you. At your surprised expression, Cole shook his head. "It's basically just regular sugar. I learned that from Zane." He moved back from the counter. "We can start gathering everything we need, then we'll start cooking!"

You offered a nod as you began searching around the kitchen for needed supplies. You let Cole handle getting the cold ingredients while you went for the dry ingredients. You found a large packet of flour and another of sugar, and after confirming with Cole that it was "granulated," you set the two bags on the counter beside the cookbook.

Cole frequently read the cookbook as he moved around the kitchen. Once the oven had been turned on, Cole grabbed a large mixing bowl and a few types of measuring cups before he began. "Could you measure out a cup of flour?" Cole picked up one of the measuring cups and handed it out to you.

"...Yeah," You took the cup and glanced at its side. With your limited Ninjagoan reading skills, you figured out the numbers etched into the cup's side before moving towards the small bag of flour. You gently opened the bag and slowly poured out a cup of flour. 

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