Times are changing

Start from the beginning

Root 1: We have him.

Root 2: We need his Sharingan. Seize it.

As they were getting closer and closer to his face, they soon stopped their movements. It was as if their own bodies were simply being controlled.

Root 3: What's going on? We can't move.

???: That would be because of me. You Root Ninja are really such a drag.

Then the Root Ninja turned their heads to look behind them just as Shikamaru, the one who trapped them, let them.

Root 2: You're one of the missing Konoha ninja... Shikamaru Nara.

Shikamaru: Did you really have to announce my name like that?

Then Sasuke, Zabuza, Itachi, and Choji appeared behind the 4 Root Ninja with a blade or Kunai behind their backs. As soon as Shikamaru let the Shadow possession Justu go, the four made quick movements and killed the Root Ninja. Not only saving Jamal but covering their tracks so that they wouldn't be followed by Konoha anymore. Once Itachi burned the bodies, he turned to Sasuke who was asking about their father. Itachi didn't say anything as he let his tears fall. Sasuke instantly knew what that meant and he fell to his knees, gripping the grass and ground. Their father and the Uchiha there died helping them escape. They returned to Hikarigakure and went straight for the Hikakage's Mansion to report their mission being a success. Naruto waited for them and soon was told of the news of how they escaped and what Konoha was doing now. Naruto never really knew Sasuke's dad or any of the Uchiha aside from Itachi and Jamal but he knew this was a heavy toll for the Uchiha brothers.

End of Flashback

To the present day, now that you readers are caught up, Everyone was coming together to pay respects to Fugasaku Uchiha. Sasuke was the first to put a white rose in front of his grave, then Itachi was the next, and then Jamal. Everyone else took turns putting their flowers there and the elders of the village began to speak about how Fugasaku will be missed and that his death will not go in vain. The rain continued for a while as the funeral was over. But that didn't stop Sasuke's kids from going to their father asking about their grandpa.

Madarine: Hey dad....What was grandpa like?

Sasuke didn't say anything at first before kneeling down to his second eldest daughter.

Sasuke: Your grandpa...He was a strict, more focused kinda guy. He didn't really have time to acknowledge me and my training because he was the head of the Uchiha Clan and the Uchiha Police force.

Sasuki: So grandpa was really cool then.

Sasuke: Hehe. Yes. He was indeed cool. Even though he hasn't shown it or told me, I know that your grandpa was proud of who I am and that I intend to follow my own path.

Itachi soon walked up to Sasuke and put a hand on his shoulder. Sasuke looked up to his brother and embraced him into a hug. The two brothers share the hug before Sasuke's kids begin to slowly walk to Itachi and Sasuke. Sasuke then introduces his children to Itachi which made the older brother surprised and happy for him. But Itachi was surprised to hear that Sasuke was gay. He never showed signs that he was gay in Konoha but in a way he was happy for him. With Choji, Ino and Shikamaru, the three got together and talked about what they have been doing in the past 3 to 4 years. Shikamaru was amazed and shocked to say when he saw the rings on Choji and Ino's hand. They were indeed married and their daughter greeted Shikamaru.

Chino: H-Hi Mr. Shikamaru.

Ino: Chino. There is no need to call him "Mr." Shikamaru is just fine. Or you could call him your godfather.

This shocked Shikamaru a lot as he heard Ino say that.

Shikamaru: You guys...you really want me to be her godfather?

Choji: I wouldn't have it any other way. I see no one else who could fit that role. We are the Ino-Shika-Cho squad.

Shikamaru smiled and let a tear drop. He thanked them and embraced his old friends and teammates. Obito went to Naruto to look for Rin. Naruto of course gave his sensei the location of where Rin stayed at. Obito wasted no time and went to the said location. He mentally prepared himself before slowly knocking on the door. He then waited for like 3 minutes before knocking the door again. This time he could hear footsteps coming to the door. And before it opened, it was a soft female voice like she had just woken up.

Rin: Who is it?

Obito: R-Rin... It's me.

As soon as he spoke, he began to hear locks unlocking before the door was open all the way for Obito to see Rin.

As soon as he spoke, he began to hear locks unlocking before the door was open all the way for Obito to see Rin

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Rin gasped seeing her friend, right here in front of her doorstep.

Rin: O-Obito?

Obito: Yes Rin... It's me-

He couldn't finish his sentence as Rin tackled him to the ground, hugging him tightly while she was crying. Obito gently hugged her back and played with her hair a bit.

Rin: Y-You idiot...When Naruto told me you haven't reported anything in the past month, I got so worried...I thought I lost you...

Obito: Rin.

He said before making her look at his face. He then began to speak again.

Obito: I will never leave you. I haven't given up and I still won't give up. On you or on my dream.

This made Rin happy that she was able to be with her friend and secretly a potential lover. But we all know that Obito and Rin liked each other. Want to know why? Well after Rin got up and helped Obito up, the Uchiha then took her hand and pulled Rin close before sharing a passionate kiss. Rin yelped a bit before she moaned into the kiss and decided to kiss him back. For a while it turned out into a make out session which in turn, made Rin pull Obito to her house before closing and locking the door so they could continue. For temporary housing, Jamal had rented an apartment for him and Shizune. He wanted to tell Naruto about what he learned about Menma from Shizune's point of view but that was for another day.... And another chapter.


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