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Freya is in the bell tower of the cathedral, where she has set up a large map on the table surrounded by candles. Above the map is a spindle handing on a wire. Freya bends over and leans against the table as she prepares herself, "Let's see if the 9,000th time is the charm." Freya rubs her hands together before grabbing the spindle and spinning it. She watches it sway back and forth upon the map before she steps backward, raises her arms to her sides, and begins the spell "Charka ils serachi. Cherko ils serachi. Cherko ils serachi."

Suddenly, the map bursts into flames and turns to ash, and Freya drops her arms and sighs in annoyance when she realizes the spell didn't work. After a moment, the spindle is yanked off the wire by an invisible force and flies across the room, embedding itself in the far wall where Freya has pinned a "Greetings from New Orleans" postcard. Freya slowly walks over to it and stares at the spindle for a moment as she processes what this means. Suddenly, Aurora appears in the doorway, looking bored "Are you looking for me?". Freya spins around and is shocked to see Aurora standing in front of her. When Aurora smirks in amusement, Freya glare at her.

Klaus has just met Elijah in the bell tower so he can see aurora's message for himself, and he reads it aloud in a mocking voice "a forest of pine, and a box made so fine. come quickly. if not, then poor freya will rot, buried in dirt for all time." Klaus slams the letter down on the table while Elijah watches him from across the room "the woman is insane."

Elijah scoffs "does she have to punish us with the world's most unfortunate limerick?" Elijah starts to pace around the room while Klaus scowls angrily "is it not enough that we're forced to play her wretched games?"

Klaus spoke "freya saw a vision of herself buried alive."

"Aurora will do everything in her power to bring about this miserable prophecy."

Klaus determinedly "let's go stop her, shall we?" Klaus grabs the compass off of the table and prepares to leave with Elijah


Freya awakens on the couch of the carpenter's shop where Aurora had the white-oak bullets made in the previous episode. She looks groggy and weak, and her vision is blurry, though she's able to see that Aurora is standing in front of her with her arms crossed over her chest. Freya shakily sits up and glares at her "What did you do to me?"
"I used the same concoction on you that my brother crafted for my... episodes. It's rather effective, wouldn't you say?" Freya stands, wobbling on her feet, and holds up her hands to cast a spell. Nothing happens, and Freya looks horrified as she collapses back onto the couch. Aurora giggles in amusement at her suffering "Oh... Poor dear. To think, Freya, we could've been sisters. Unfortunately, I've spent enough time with witches to know that casting spells requires focus, and focus requires clarity of mind, something you don't currently have. Freya once again stands to her feet and glares at aurora furiously, but she's not in much condition to fight "my brothers will come for me."

aurora giggles "that's good. 'cause that's precisely what I'm counting on." she walks over to the table and picks up a shiny silver revolver pistol and aims it at freya "the only question is... will you still be alive when they get here?"
freya scowls at aurora, who pulls the trigger and shoots her in the stomach, and freya gasps in pain and shock as she collapses. aurora smiles in satisfaction.

Elijah is holding the compass in his hand as he and Klaus make their way through the woods of THE BAYOU. Klaus is using his hybrid super-senses to track Freya by scent. They come upon the carpenter's cabin where Aurora and Freya just were and Elijah stops to turn back toward Klaus to see what is going on "Freya's not in there. She was-- I can smell her blood-- but the stronger scent is due west.".
They turned as they heard the footsteps, leading to maximus appearing with chopping knife and small axe. Not to miss the annoyance in his blue eyes gloriously mad.
"what are you doing here?" niklaus questioned.
Larousse drag himself with scornful face "ignoring the weekend with my kids? Oh yeah, I am here to kiss the ground my sister walked."
"well I can assume your sister is equally calm and happy person, like you" Klaus's sneer getting angry learning aurora is not alone.
"also loves unexpected guest like me." taunting Elijah about Hayley.
Elijah pauses to consider this for a moment before he replies "You track the scent. I'll take the cabin.". The two split up and start walking in two different directions, but after a moment, Elijah stops and turns back to his brother "Niklaus... Whatever happens, you promise me...". Klaus nods in understanding "Aurora dies today."

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