call from H

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Elijah walks with Hayley in the bayou "Elijah, how is Rebekah?"
"No, my sister is wonderful at roaming."

"Where is Jackson? He should help you around sometimes,"

"He is more interested in this hotel management,"

"What makes him think that way, leaving all you?"

"Well, you know that to this day he has only one friend, even Mary is not talking to him. Can't blame him. He was all living here and handling them all his life. She is more important to Jackson than me. I mean, more important than all of us, even Mary."

"She is not important to me" Hayley gave him a looped smile.

They both reach the compound and Klaus was in his compound looking worried "brother?" Elijah asked.

"Someone abducted Zoya,"


"Her apartment is empty. Call that dog that used to live with her," Klaus points to Hayley. Hayley fumes with the Jackson name. Elijah asks "Tristen?"

Hayley asks, "who told you, Klaus.? Someone abducted her?"

"Her home in dirt and germs,"

she answers "Yes, because she left," Klaus stops midway, and so does Elijah "a week ago you guys don't know?"

Klaus argues, "I talked to her,"

"That doesn't mean she is here," Elijah concluded. A week after their deal. She left. But where?

Klaus states "Jackson?"

"No, she is not with Jackson. He is in New York." Hayley explains when Elijah feels strange and tipsy. "I called him and learned,"

"She is somewhere else" Klaus' face spoke in anger. He looks at them, still not believing the fact, but cannot say them wrong knowing Zoya and her speaking about suffocation. He smirks and relaxes. "Means she will be back soon."

Hayley rolls her eyes. "Or she finally left,"

"Left who? Jackson?" Klaus bites back.

"You should ask Camellia?" Hayley advised.

"She is not in the city, she says something like need fresh air and is going to meet someone," he glares "She sends a voicemail,"

Elijah and Klaus were walking outside when they noticed Lucien in an overly good mood. He noticed the brothers and a grin spread over their faces "I am glad you guys are -" before he could complete Elijah was first to complete the distance between them. He noticed Klaus is also not in a good mood "what you both are having on me now?"

"Uh, I learned a woman is missing" Elijah moves around him as prey.

Niklaus interfere "quite easy to remember. Charcoal eyes and dark hair." Klaus explains "the cute and dumb,"

"Davina?" Klaus rolls his eyes as Elijah shoved his hands in his pocket.

Klaus enters a bar, followed by Lucien and then Elijah. He asks for bourbon "Zoya? Remember her?"

Klaus felt like wiping that smile "of course she is not someone one can forget" and it made him angry that his brother did it because of her foolishness "what do you mean she is missing?"

Elijah spoke while eying his drink "she is not here"

Lucien smirks "I know," making both brothers focus his attention on what he will say more we talked the face of Niklaus makes him feel better. Not physically, it's like winning a game.

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