If Only We Could Bottle It

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Niklaus walks out to wonder - where is Elijah?  .but catches the two together, obviously arguing. For worse again Elijah followed him like a puppy. He can't hear much with the rain but witnessed Elijah say something that she turned. With her stance, he understood one thing even his brother's manipulation was not enough to scare this lady. She told him something that left him stunned.

I didn't get myself to look for relief that I found her acknowledging me, in not so bitter that I expected,"See you got yourself 'the worrier' to handle me." something between the lines that took Elijah's mental ability on leash.

"Can we talk?" I move to grab her arm, but she flinches. Getting away.
"Ouch. No touching before marriage Mikaelson." She acted.
"Freya is getting Finn out. Now, please." I said as peacefully as I could myself to utter my brother's name. "For his sake, just let this go." After so many big fights, she agrees. He could help put some sense in her. I offer her a smile.

"I don't want him." My eyes narrowed at her indifferent tone as she walked past me. Finn is not something she will gladly pass like us. She loved him. Make him better.
"You are giving up on Finn?" I ask, getting all pent-up anger. I had picked a fight against my family. Against the man who once wanted my child dead. But she doesn't stop.
"She doesn't want FINN," I said to Elijah. To my dismay, he goes after Zoya or more say blocking her path, "You are not marrying my brother." I couldn't control myself from rolling my eyes seriously. Open your damn brain, Elijah. She's messing with your head and getting involved in my relationship with Camilla.

"I am feared," she said, her arms crossed tightly as she watched him with a fearful expression.
"I will go after your orphanage group," Oh, boy. You connect the wrong wire. And it does affect Zoya that she got taken back for his attitude. They both are looking into each other eyes, waiting for the other to act. I can hear Elijah'sheartbeat and Zoya's silence is not helping.
"I. dare. You," she said it. Walking past. And now nothing is stopping her.
"I fought with Freya and Hayley. I was handling it a lot better than you." have you seen her eyes? You sign your death sentence.


My brain is running like miles. He will not do anything. He can't be this cruel. Zoya. you know his level of manipulation and his powers. He had very good contact with human fractions. He kills half of the navy to find his sister. He let his sires into the hand of Mikael. Have you forgotten he put the hand on your chest to kill you?

My phone showed a message from Andrew- as I kept reading, I couldn't be sure about his scrutiny and cruelty.

All my accounts get frozen. It will seal anything that is in my name in the next few hours. And that blackmailer filed a case against me that I owe him money as alimony. And I cheated on him in marriage, not discussing my health condition.

"Met a Mikaelson." I looked at my father, who was having the frozen dessert. I shut it, but it kept me void from inside.
Seriously, if I was not smart enough to hand some money to Jackson. And I was not trained as a thief he would have bought me on my knees by now.
"You know I think you will need a lot of popcorn in the morning." His eyes shine. But he didn't smile.
"Leave them. what you are hiding?" his question lightens my head. Seriously all of a sudden, I was so stupid by Elijah's actions that I didn't focus on my surroundings.
"Felix Lynch," I said "He bit me." "And then he died."
"That's why you were in the coffin" I look down. huh? Huh. Get yourself together Zoya. He didn't look up from dessert till I made a slight movement in my throat to make him look at me. My last incident got me so embarrassed that I didn't look in his direction.
"Now what click the photo of bite and send me." He didn't say anything just walked back to his room. I shut my eyes, slapping my forehead.

I look at the clean and shiny grandfather clock, I made it work by getting batteries. The pendulum swinging a Zen. Can't believe I spent
half an hour just looking at it. swinging. Only his face flashed in front of my eyes. He is not bad. But why now?
I am not thinking about Elijah. Apart from him I now had another man. Not as a love interest but maybe attraction. Okay, it warms my heart that he didn't peak and neither force me to show the bite. Yep, all strange my father is the center of my thought. Not for his antics. If we calculate it was, he who led the drama for today but My heart doesn't blame him.
If I put my history and his crime list aside and think from a stranger's perception, I can find him egoistic, prudish, and greedy. But smart, independent, loner, warm to his family, and adorable. But a genuine and better father. He never let his kids around Mikaelson's but was tolerable with Camilla. And not to mention he didn't like Hayley as well. About that, I have to see her getting married to someone else. The day when I saw him and her getting married is still fresh. Seeing the evolution of him turning alps to humans. I chuckle on remembering his and my initial moments. My precious moments of adventure with him. our ups and downs. His presence makes me happy.
I check my phone waiting for a shift of Naomi to end so that she can inform me about sales of dresses and jewelry I own. I inherited it from appi and jiju and some were gifted by others. Include my wedding dress. I didn't want to sell apps and jiju gifts but right now renting them for some time is better. Doesn't want Elijah to give me surprise by swaying them like dirt in Mississippi.
And about those kids, Ha Ha he has forgotten I asked him the safest house. that even Mikaelson can't enter and the house was transferred before to Jackson. And now after, it goes to Hope. Surprisingly Hayley doesn't that know well. How would she know she was never interested in such matters? And till Hope turned 18, I happened to guard that building as I was trusted by Jackson.
If I could have another version of me walking around that would be patting my back in adoration. Now let's see what happens in the morning as the day has already begun an hour ago. If Elijah wants to have a war. Let's see who else got slashed along. Honestly, I don't have to do anything I just have to see the scene unfold. My presence is enough to create mayhem. And if things get smooth, I have a few tricks under my sleeves.

Maximus stews the soup and thinks about how to solve the infection. He was going through books and said, "For the first time, I find Felix intelligent." He closed the fifth book, "If you could have told earlier." Only get a soft snore in return. From the moment he found her in a hall in the early morning on the ground, he immediately brought her to this abandoned café near their home. Seeing her unconscious, he felt like killing her, but knowing it wouldn't be worthy, plus he wouldn't be able to count it as a victory, killing the unconscious. After learning that the longer she stays around, the more she will affect her surroundings. Maybe that is the only reason she left New Orleans. "And the obvious they can solve such a complex infection.".

Zoya slowly opens her eyes, feeling a bit disoriented as she takes in her surroundings. She finds herself surrounded by tall trees that seem to stretch endlessly into the sky. It takes a moment for her to remember that she had been gone in unconsciousness in the parking lot. She looks around and sees the abandoned café, and sees that Maximus has brought lots of wood for the fire pit, which is a relief as it's getting colder. Despite feeling groggy from her nap, Zoya can't help but keep her eyes fixed on her father as he moves around the campsite, taking care of everything. Silently taking notice of him.
Maximus carefully arranges the wood in the firepit, making sure that they stack it just right and that there is enough fuel around to keep the fire burning brightly. As he begins to light the fire, he suddenly realizes that he has forgotten the matchstick on the table and quickly goes to retrieve it. Upon his return, he carefully places the logs on the fire, watching as the flames slowly begin to flicker and dance. As he looks at Zoya, he notices that her eyes are open, and he realizes that she has just woken up. She watches him silently, like a bird perched on a branch, taking in every movement and nuance. Despite the quietness of the moment, there is a certain warmth and comfort that emanates from the fire, creating a sense of peace and tranquility that seems to envelop them both.
On any ordinary day, he would have relished the opportunity to undermine her self-assurance by catching her ogling him. However, today was different. As he gazed upon her, all he saw was genuine inquisitiveness radiating from her eyes, a testament to her inherent innocence. He entered the room noiselessly to retrieve his book, and upon his return, he observed her with her eyes shut once again. Another day passed away, and all the time, he noticed how familiar Zoya was to her; her habits were just like his. Not what he is right now, but something he used to be. For a good reason, it always instigated his anger.

Zoya feels a jolt and looks around the eatery. She steps out, glancing at her worn-out phone battery. It's been two days since they talked to anyone, and they're traveling. Maximus gets some change while Zoya walks. He looks at Zoya, who puts up a smile while greeting the receptionist, "Hello. He diverts his attention from the conversation, picking up water bottles and snacks. Hearing her ask to charge her phone. The lady ends up buying the charger. She asked for the restroom to freshen up.

He moves to a table, dialing Arian. he had asked to stay inside which leaves them on a phone call. even though they are closed he decides not to go there. "Dad" he relaxes hearing his boy.
"Is Xavier well now?" Figuring out that Xavier is getting affected by Zoya. 
"Yeah, Dad. How is Zoya?" telling them Zoya went viral, a good reason he carried her to the cab. Zoya came back after freshening up, and seeing him busy on the call, the receptionist decided to pick up the conversation. "Your father?" the receptionist asks. Zoya gave a meek smile. The woman answered, "You do go after your father. You both have the same aura." This makes Zoya's smile crack.
"No one ever told me that."
The lady smiled, moving to get the father-daughter duo bags. "Done?" she looks to her side, him asking the lady. He pays all the bills with his card and walks to the truck. Zoya opens her phone when she is met with a flood of notifications. Groaning, she swipes them away. shutting it off. Pocketing it before going to the truck.
As she stepped inside the vehicle, she couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in his demeanor. Despite her concern, she opted not to pry and instead settled into her seat, gazing out at the passing scenery. However, as she glanced over at the driver, her attention was drawn to his hand on the steering wheel. An unusual allergic reaction. A sense of realization washed over her - this was undoubtedly taking a toll on him "It was not there before"
"Don't spoil my mood." He drives for a long time.
"What are the options?" Even though he heard, he remained silent, looking ahead and driving. Zoya's eyes blurred; she focused. Maximus glances as Zoya falls deep into unconsciousness.

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