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Zoya answers the door since the doorbell keeps ringing. Her breath leaves as she pushes the door to the side and stares ahead. Cami, who was standing at her door, continued to stare at her, not understanding why Zoya was staring at her. "Zoy-, "she had little to say as Zoya fell on the floor, knocking on the door in her way. Cami, at the door, curses as she learns she needs an invitation.
Zoya, who was lying in bed, gently opened her eyes, feeling the moisture on her head. "Jesus," she noticed Cami staring at her. "Zoya, you terrified me." Removing the damp splotch from her brow, Cami forces her to sit, then asks, "How long have I been gone?"
"Not much, around 20 minutes." She eyes Zoya. Zoya was going to question Xavier but saw her attentive eyes and said, "What?" in her regular tone.
"Nothing." Cami dismisses, not wanting to bother her.
"Can you take Xavier to his brother?" Cami agreed with a smile. "How about some movies after that?" her eyes sparkled. Zoya's weary face breaks into a faint grin.
"Fine!" she said, making Camille happy. "I will be back soon." Cami went away, closing the door in her way.

Elijah, who was in the archive department with Nikolas, searched the area for evidence of mass killings after they departed. Niklaus turns to face Elijah, who is drowning in the files. It exhausted him from circling files and said, "Why can't we coerce a few individuals for this task?"
Elijah discarded the document and moved on to the next one, stating, "I didn't beg you to join me Niklaus, and you are still free to step back." He read the important information in the document: A pregnant woman kills her husband to please her lover.
"Because I don't understand why suddenly, you turn stoic from the one who was warm and dumb as well to throwing a party for his ex-getting pregnant by some- else" Niklaus smirks, noticing his brother's eyes stop for a millisecond while reading. Elijah turns aside to choose from a distant pile "If you seem to be forgotten, I'm marrying Hayley."
Niklaus remembers the act: "Of course. I saw it last night when you saw Hayley getting her wedding gown fitted. You look more like a deer caught in the light."
"At least I decided," Elijah retorted. "Like you, who refused to recognize your feelings for Cami after she became a vampire." Niklaus's grins faded. He opened a new file and began going through it.

Elijah, who was browsing through papers, snapped out of it and pulled out his phone. Looking for a new message. Nikolaus gets up, dumps the file, and says, "I'm going to get myself some food and then go to bed." Elijah merely hums back.
- Are you busy? - Elijah sends the text to the nurset. He returns to records after setting the phone back on the table.

Nurset, who was having difficulty justifying her parents, returned to her room, enraged. She cannot express her rage in front of her father. Fortunately, being in a separate room made things better for her. She checked her phone and saw Elijah. She felt some rage but saw her way out.

Elijah sits down, perplexed why the records from 1980 to 2000 are suddenly packed with mathematical data records. Rows and columns have no headers. When his phone rings with a message, he picks it up and throws the file in the garbage. Looking at the messages, he inquires about her location, to which he quickly receives a response.

Cami came in with Xavier in her arms, sleeping as he became drowsy. Was going to depart to join Zoya for movie night but decided against it because there was no one else in the compound. She texted Zoya about the circumstances and her plans.

Elijah sat across the nurset on the table cutting the pork, "Nurset, you seem lifeless?" His last effort was to consider looking through her recollections.

She said, "I'm not going to Zoya's wedding." She became resentful, "We are leaving," backing away from the meal.

His eyes narrowed at her "Why?" She mockingly raises an eyebrow at him for asking.

She questions him back, "Why?" "Because of you," "and me," "and all those individuals who put out Zoya's party video on the internet," she raised her hands in the air "and then thank my parents," She turns to face Elijah, who is still perplexed but believes he made a mistake that day. Sure. "Abu and Ammi discovered that video and -," she explains. She said with a sour smile, "And they Broke relations with her."
A weird irritation streams in his body "Again?"
"Again?" as she asks Elijah, who is visibly upset by it, she soon understands what he means. They leave her once again. While unaware of the attention he is receiving, Elijah asks, "What is the woman pregnant with before marriage?" Feeling no guilt now, he turns away from being angry. He sits for a few seconds with a clenched jaw "Can you go back to the hotel on your own?" he asks her. She nods. He put the bill on the table for them to leave the table.

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