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Zoya was seated across the television toying with a remote, when Elijah storm inside, snatch it from her hand turning it off.
Zoya does not react as television is full of nonsense things. Elijah breathes out, "do you have an idea about Felix's death?"
this makes her straighten up "No".
"When you met him last time?" her eyes go back to her brain. Brain. "I met him last time when he sends me other side and you were there."
"and you never met him after?"
"I didn't meet him, but I do see him at the hospital with Gia and to my defense, I ask you about it," he didn't argue but started pacing around. She asked, "Is that worse?"
He answers "His head is slightly off placed away from his shoulder to floor" he stops to look at her. "Who do you think can do that?"
"He earned little goodness to live more. He already lived more than he deserves. It could be anyone."
'How can you be so calm?'
She tilts her head. Head "what else do you expect?"
"I cannot leave- you already have a powerful witch. You don't want me to poke my nose around your family. So, I am doing things normally a person does."
He taunts, "of course. Why will that bother you?"
He sits on the sofa. "Was that necessary to send Freya to me with her heightened curiosity?"
'I can easily resolve it.'
"You could have lied". Zoya looks at him, fully amused by his encouragement.
"well now you have the ball in your court, take a hit" Elijah could react but he heard the footstep "Niklaus and camellia is here" she got up from bed, but Elijah stopped her by her wrist still seated on the sofa, "forget to tell you. your LUCE kidnapped camellia," making her shocked. He left her hand, rubbing it on his clothes as if disgusting. She ignores his antics and moves downstairs.
"cami," cami looked up at Zoya on the stairs. "I am sorry I didn't know Lucienkidnapped you,"
"can't blame you. he is a lot smart to hide my disappearance."Come along. This place is tiredly dreary. dreary. dreary. I will show you your room" they both did not even pass the glance to the male hybrid standing beside them and walked away leaving him alone.
Cami said, "I heard the aurora took you to church
Zoya groans. "She places me on the backside of the car. It was all greasy. Eww" he opens the door for a cami, "you can get ready and then we will watch cartoons or read murder stories". She closes the door and leaves the cami to freshen up. Soon the compound got filled with several groups -Hayley and Freya- Elijah and Klaus–Zoya and cami.
All three are busy with different goals. Hayley and Freya are worried about Rebekah, whereas Elijah tries to pinpoint problems with Klaus. And all differently, Cami and Zoya were busy watching web series using headphones as soon as an episode ends cami removed headphones to stretch "do you think the coordinates will help?" Zoya and cami are now seated adjacently and Zoya leans to her ears "speak low they can hear us, yes they will help in some way".
"You seem to relax so much"
"I already send a rumor around New Orleans ports and pirates that around this coordinates a big Egyptian mummy with gems and jewels" Caminos as Zoya looks at the screen to scroll around.
"You got some bad news- I mean he called"Zoya took a look and knew she meant by Larousse "that man is irresponsible, he left Adrian and Xavier to somewhere. Xavier got fainted twice and still that man "What are you thinking of doing now?"
"I send someone to look-". Cami interrupts asked about you'.
Zoya took a moment and answered "there is nothing I could, I am going to relax and let the time pass"
"you told them about Larousse and others" Zoya shook her head "you should tell them"
"to whom? The people who care about me already know."
"I can't. Rebekah is already missing; things are messy here. And I find a way to free Elijah, then it will be all me on my own."
"Klaus told me about Lucien courting you. seriously"
"if it wasn't Rebekah missing, you three wouldn't care if worlds end" Nicklaus spoke from the doorway seeing both girls whispering low.
"ah, Niklaus I am advising that that that that cami will better be lesbian, as some others will not have courage" to Zoya'staunting smile he just glares.
"Well I am sleepy if you want you can fight outside" Zoya frowns 'I don't want to sleep' but still gets out of the cami bed to leave her to rest. Klaus glare at her, at which she pulls his cheeks making me annoyed.
"Turn that stunt over again, and I will not take you out with me."
"yes, I am waiting outside, come fast."

Klaus drives while Zoya keeps looking out. he turns at the radio on low volume "Nik?"
"yes" "Can I ask you something?"
"Rather than leaving the compound, I guess I can"
"I am asking about the view"
"My view" he finds that amusing "go on"
"am I selfish?" he chuckles shaking his head.
Klaus asks "who says this to you?" still amused.
"Your brother?" I noticed that he is no longer smiling but also trying not to be "so" odd.
he remains silent wishing to be somewhere else "Klaus?"
he let the air out "you were."
"What? When?"
"He loved you and you didn't give him much choice. Apart from the fact that he once called me by nickname, there was nothing much valuable to society. you both are the most hurting each other couple and an unusual also"
she couldn't stop herself from being rude and harsh "don't you think you talk too much"
but Klaus knew exactly where it is coming from, and he didn't mind it. this doesn't change the fact she is all sullen throughout the ride. So, she remains in the car while he goes somewhere. She gives him the silent treatment.

Elijah heard the engine voice and headed downstairs, but could not stop himself from not noticing Zoya'sface touching the floor. Also, how Niklaus roll his eyes as Zoya did not care about him and went away quietly.
Elijah enquires "did you find any clue?" asking about Felix's death.
'it was brutal, but I find some drawings on the walls' he hands over his phone.
"what she says about this?"
"well in a way I say something I am not supposed to say"
Elijah stares at him "what exactly do you say to her?"
this makes Klaus smiles "one with such a mood is enough". Elijah looks at images "Freya better knows about it otherwise Niklaus you will mend whatever you spoil"Niklaus ignores him.

even though Zoya came into her room she couldn't stop herself from thinking about Niklaus words. she looks at her phone as it vibrated in her pocket, seeing jack she picked it instantly "hey"
"upset ?"
"no just in Mikaelson compound. It's filled with boredom"
"doesn't sound like it is enough to make you sound that dull"
"apne bare me beto?" she heard him saying what "I mean tell me about you"
"I and Rachel are official in a relationship" and soon Jackson told her everything about her going to meet her grandmother. Zoya doesn't realize when she sleeps listening to Jackson. cami who went to visit her noticed her sleepy state on the sofa with the phone ready to fall from her grip. She catches the phone before it hit the floor.
she noticed Jackson's ongoing call.
she whispers "jack. She fell asleep." On this, he hangs up by bye.

she went out placing Zoya's phone in her jean pocket, saw Freya and Elijah busy with some documents or let say drawing. She took a few papers eying them, "what are these?"
Elijah answers "a very useless person died brutally, and those are the only drawing he left for us."
Freya answers "they are ancient. All I can say is a dark and strong escaped from"
"cemetery – he was the guardian of cemeteries"
"The New Orleans have enough cemeteries to worry about, we have to focus on our problems. "
"that person was Felix,"
Freya nods "fine I will look into it, give me some time."

as cami went to study, he thought of asking Zoya for help. He moves to Niklaus's room"Niklaus go ask her help" he rolls his eyes but gets himself out from his armchair.

Klaus went to Zoya's room and saw her sleeping weirdly. Her face was covered by her hairs and uncovered by a blanket. He moves toward the bed to get her blanket but stops. But what caught his eyes was drops of blood on the carpet. He kneels to the ground observing, and soon he removes hairs from Zoya's face but instantly he got pulled to a memory.

it was forest and he heard the noise coming around. he saw Zoya jumping the branches with her heart, missing the beats quickly. It shrouded her face in dust and a few branches scratch her clothes and her denim jacket. She stops for a moment and felt the pain of heartbeat speed change. She was taking a breather when she realizes the area between her elbow and her hand goes numb. She rushes to a tree edge. She suddenly jolted as her hair tickles her.
She breathes as it was a false alert. Her gaze travels along with her hand that turned black like a stone. Did they make out of the forest? She crosses her finger. She was midway through falling asleep when she heard steps. She got her legs to her chest, hiding. She was ready to generate a spark "Zoya". A tear of relief and chuckle slips on hearing that voice, getting on her feet "how about a breakfast date?". she snorts with closed eyes and Elijah's eyes scan her meanwhile.
"I hate this forest, we need to get away fast, " she was looking around for away when he pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. Zoya shivered as the finger touches her. He places his palm to her face, "damn. You are ice, " he instantly removes his jacket." I am fine, " he glaresand covered her up. "sometimes your speech makes me kill you".
She was busy turning over her eyes when his grip tightens over her. She looks at him for an explanation, but then his body falls over her.
They both come on the ground, Zoya on her knees carrying Elijah. Her eyes widen as she notices papa's Tunde blade moving inside him "Elijah". She strained to remove the blade. But it invades him completely. The fear of what that blade makes her white. The fright of losing him made her wrap her arms around him, bringing his head close to her chest. She caresses his hair with his shaking fingers. She presses her lips to his head. She whispered to him, "don't worry. Just stay strong". She rocks his body in his arms "just stay strong". She fidgets with Elijah's pockets for his cellphone. A pair of hands grab her hair. "haven't you learned to not mess what I want"

he noticed himself as Zoya cares about Elijah. it was painful as Zoya clutches him close as her parents draw a circle around her. larrouse asked, "oh are you scared?"
she answers through her tears, "you know I could handle you alone,"
"yes, I know," he eyes Elijah and smiles "Looks like you did a mistake. I told you-you can't love. They don't deserve you," he plunges his hand into Elijah'schest. Zoya cries "Don't," she breaks down to begging "I beg you, father. Please,". He simply answered, "don't irritate me then," he removed his hand, blood covering his arm. "you know either way you have to die. And I hardly care about this," he points at Elijah.
Zoya spoke "leave him out of this" he finally sighs while licking his hand, "yep not tasty as you".
he kneels in front of her as Zoya watches Elijah's chest healing the hole. "did you dream about being with him?" Laroussetouches her hair, wiping the blood over her hair. she looks down in disgrace." why? I told you, love doesn't exist. It's not healthy to love. Not for you, not for him," his face turned sour. "I expect you to be smart like any of us. One-night stands are enough to full fill needs,"
he took her hand place a knife in it, she looks up expecting he might care but what comes next out of his mouth was "go carved it out". She backs away from him and the knife lets it fall on the ground "" he smiles in her fear. "Oh, please it will help you with your fears" he pulls her by the wrist taking her hand in his, and hand the knife back to her, making her grip it. He kneels behind her taking all the power in her "now easy" Zoya tries to stop him but being weak due to circle maximums overpower her and stab the knife in Elijah's heart. She let out a cry miserably in Larousse's arms "One more". And with time he makes her stab him several times. So much that her clothes were drenched with a splash of blood.

Niklaus heartbreak seeing her trembling in fear. She starts to keep rubbing herself to remove blood smearing more on herself. He couldn't able to bear step out of her dream.
He swallow the lump and noticed her still sleeping in tears and a bloodied nose.
soon she starts trembling as Klaus knew what nightmare she is having. something only Elijah and she knows.
He ignores his guilt of taunting her about their relationship and starts shaking her.
Zoya woke up breathing hard and noticed Klaus. She looks around and realizes that she slept. Niklaus looks at her panic state looking around "time?"
"2 am"
"and ?"
he pulls out his phone "15 minutes"
"where is my phone?"
"I don't know? I think you should fresh-" he wants to say go and freshen up but she went out from the room, all panic.
"love I think you should go wash your face while I look for your phone." But she was absent mildly looking around in the hall mummery something about calling Jackson and then missing of her phone.
"Klaus have you figured out about" Freya stops as he saw Zoya all weird and panicked, and soon the nose bleeding blood. Klaus assures Freya "it's nothing,".
Freya tried to hold Zoya but Zoya back away from her. soon cami who heard some voice walk to them, the moment she saw Zoyamumbling about her phone she answers "it's with me". Zoya eyes landed on cam who pulled out Zoya phone from her pocket "I thought you could sleep peacefully"
Zoya didn't answer but took her phone and unlock it checking for any news. Cami noticed Zoya's face and Niklaus looking at Zoya worriedly "Come with me" Zoya still busy with her phone didn't argue with the bartender.

Freya looks at Niklaus "what was that?" referring to Zoya's state of panic on just missing her phone and also meant by her nose bleeding.
Elijah who enters the compound saw Freya glaring at Niklaus, it amused him that Freya is feeling is starting to act like other siblings, soon Freya left but also glared at Elijah.
he smiles and asks Niklaus "did you mend your ways with her?"
there was some flicker of emotions and a thin façade "I will she just woke up recently, let her freshen up."
Elijah taunt "sleeping this time"
"she didn't get to sleep and the ride was tiring" Elijah shook his head to his study. The way of Niklaus looks at him made him halt his Turning page, but he focused on his work.

cami dump the cotton away "do you want me to prescribe you some pills?" she comes and sit across Zoya on the sofa "they can put you to peaceful sleep"
"no but can you prescribe me pills that don't let me sleep?" she looks away from cami "I don't want to sleep"
cami move toward Zoya to wrap her in her arms but Zoya moves away "I am fine cami, I have some work" Zoya uncomfortable gets up leaving camellia sad.
Zoya was walking to her room when Freya saw and call her to her room.

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