When they got back to the precinct with the foul mouthed women she was still yelling and carrying on. Jamie stepped out of his office to see what was going on.

"Ma'am you need to settle down! Hey, can you take her to a holding cell until she calms down." Casey said and passed her off to another officer. Eddie looked frustrated and upset at the women's statements.

"...don't let it get to ya...you're a great cop and even better mentor." Casey reminded her with a wink as he put his hand on her back. Jamie observed from a distance, not a big fan.

"I know...I'm sorry..." Eddie apologized for her emotions and backed up from him. She started down the hall, her eyes cloudy with tears.

"Hey...Eddie...Eddie..." Jamie put his arm out and grabbed hers.

"No, stop, I'm fine." She pulled away from him and continued to the bathroom, wiping her face. Jamie threw his hands up out in-front of him confused and looked at Casey. He shrugged his shoulders back. Jamie cocked his head at him like he should know what's going on. He didn't come over to Jamie he started talking to another officer. Jamie was getting impatient and circling his thoughts.

"Reed! Can I talk to you...!?" He shouted over the chatter in the lobby area. Casey listened and sat down in Jamie's office.

"What's going on with Janko?" He asked and leaned up against his desk.

"She got into it with a women on our meal...the lady we brought in? She had some pretty obscure things to say about her." Casey said.

"Like?" Jamie asked and crossed his arms.

"Calling her fat basically." Casey said sighing.

"What? That's ridiculous. She just had a baby!" Jamie was getting very defensive.

"I know man, she even told her that. Doesn't matter though it wasn't right." Casey said.

"What's the charge? Can't exactly bring anyone in for I'll say expressing there freedom of speech...?" Jamie questioned.

"No she pushed her or tripped her right as she was walking away." Casey said.

"Alright well those which one is it?" Jamie asked.

"I don't know, same thing right? Where is she? She looked upset, I should go talk to her." Casey said getting up.

"No let her go. I'll take care of it. I'm gonna need to pull your body cam footage then to see what happened." Jamie said and dismissed him to get back to work. He on the other hand went and stood outside the women's bathroom.

"Davis...can you go in here and tell officer Janko to come out, I'd like to speak to her." Jamie said pulling her aside.

"Sure thing sarge." Davis said, went in and came out with Eddie behind her a minute later.

"Can I please talk to you?" He asked her quietly. She looked like she'd been crying. He followed her to his office and shut the door. Casey took notice to the twos interaction and them going into his office.

"What happened out there?" He asked. Eddie closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Nothing sarge. All good here." She said faking a smile and looking at all the people outside the office windows. Jamie cocked his head not believing her. He glanced at the attention being drawn to them and shut the blinds.

"Eddie, this is me talking to you as your husband. Now what's wrong?" He asked again.

"The woman we brought in was so rude, it was uncalled for. I didn't even do anything to start it. I was walking back to the car with our lunch. And she made a donut remark, then she pointed out that I was fat and surprised I passed the academy looking like this." Eddie spilled out.

"You know that's not true." Jamie told her cocking his head.

"Kinda is. I didn't bounce back like I did with Alaina." She said.

"Eddie stop. You birthed a human, you're a rockstar." Jamie said affirming and she wiped away a stray tear. He grabbed her and hugged her for a moment.

"Did she assault you?" Jamie asked and let go of their embrace.

"Yeah she tripped me." Eddie told him.

"Okay cause Casey didn't know if she pushed you." Jamie said.

"No. I don't think so. All I know is I didn't even get to eat my sandwich!" Eddie said. Jamie couldn't help but laugh a little.

"It's not funny, I'm so hungry but after that I never want to eat again." Eddie expressed. Jamie didn't want her to say that and felt terrible.

"Babe maybe you should go home and get some sleep..." Eddie rubbed her back.

"No. I'm fine. I can finish my tour, run the loud mouth through the system. I'm fine." Eddie said and headed for the door.

"Alright...just remember I love you..." he said and watched her leave. Jamie felt like he failed as a husband after Eddie talking down on herself like that. He picked up his phone and started arranging some things.
What do we think Jamie has in mind!? He's probably realizing he isn't giving Eddie enough love and attention that she needs. How bout the interaction between Eddie and Casey? Should she tell Jamie or wait to see if it continues? LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS

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