37. to build a home

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Tw. Panic attack⚠️

Julie's pov.
Two years would be a perfect age gap" I tell Luke while we sit on our bed writing down some wedding ideas. He looks up and wrinkles his forehead.
"What are you talking about honey?"
"Another baby"
"What do you think?"
"Two years would indeed be good"
"What if Harmonys right?"
"I don't know maybe?" He puts his laptop down and takes my hand.
"Just take a test and we'll see okay?" He kisses my hand and I get up.
"Okay but you go with me!" I grab his hand and run into out bathroom.

"Okay 5 more minutes" Luke says as he looks at the timer. Oh my god I'm so nervous. Luke sits next to me on the bathroom floor and puts his arm around me.
"Relax" he whispers in my ear and I sigh.
"I'am totally chill" I lie and he laughs and presses a kiss on my cheek.
"But whatever it's negative or positive it's okay! Okay?"
*beep beep beep*
Luke presses the mute button and takes the test without looking at it.
"You look first" I say and he turns the test around. He looks completely normal not sad and not happy.
"What?" I ask and he turns the test around. I see a negative and sigh. Luke sits next to me and kisses my head.
"It's okay" he whispers in my ear and I nod.
"It's okay" I repeat and get up. I need some fresh air so I walk out on the balcony and look at the sunset. Soon I feel Luke's arms around me he rests his chin on my head.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes" I say and we continue watching the sunset. Until it's dark and cold so he takes my hand and lays me in bed. Luke takes my blanket and covers me with it.
He lays next to me and I cuddle in his chest.
"It's okay. We haven't even really tried much anyway" Luke explains and I nod and close my eyes.

"Imma stand tall" we sing and finish the song. Me and the guys are rehearsing in the studio. Harmony and Grayson play on the couch and now clap.
"Yayyy" Grayson yells and runs up to me I take him in my arms and he throws his hands on the piano.
"Grayson be careful" I say and he cuddles into me.
"That was good everyone" Alex says and Luke nods.
"Been better to be honest" I say and let Grayson down.
"That's okay we haven't really rehearsed for a while now" Reggie says.
"Yep. Okay I gotta lay down the twins they're tired" I explain and take them with me in the house where Rebecca does something in the kitchen.
"Hi" I just say and make my way upstairs.
"Where are you going?" She asks.
"In my room" I shake my head and sigh. She is so annoying. I walk quicker so she can't say anything again. We don't have a good relationship. I open the door and freeze as I see that MY room turned into a I think a yoga studio!? Everything's gone. My bed, my decorations and mom's memory box!
"W-what?" I whisper. I visited a couple weeks ago and my room was still my old room where the twins could nap when we rehearsed. I walk downstairs again and try to find dad.
"Dad?" I yell and I find him in the livingroom on his computer.
"Yes Julie?"
"Why is my room a yoga studio?" I try to stay calm for now.
"Oh yeah that! Rebecca wanted a yoga studio" he looks at his computer again like it is nothing.
"But why? It's still my room! And why did no one ask me?!"
"Julie calm down you don't live here anymore"
"But it's still the house I grew up with. I- I can't believe you said yes to that idea! And where are my things?"
"Rebecca sorted some out. I think some are in the garage i think" I storm out and take the twins with me in the studio.
"I thought you wan-" Luke tries to say but stops as I hand him the twins and climb up to the top of the studio.
"Jules? What are you doing?" Alex yells from down and I look for moms box.
"Moms box?! Where is it?" I ask and look around. It isn't up here!
"I don't know" Alex yells and I sigh and sit down in the corner.
"Mommyyy" I hear Harmony cry and I climb down again.
"Sorry Harms" I kiss her cheeks and run in the house again to find Rebecca.
I see her in the kitchen making food.
"Where's mom's memory box?" I ask and she wrinkles her forehead.
"What box?"
"The big box with a dahlia on it with stuff from my mom! It was in my room!!"
"I don't know! Maybe I sold it somewhere"
"calm down it was full of old clothes and stuff"
I hate this woman so so much!
"Don't talk to me like that!"
"Shut up and get me the box!"
"I can't I sold it!"
I- I hate her and dad so so much!!
"What's going on here?" I hear dad and the guys and twins also came here too.
"SHE-SHE SOLD MOMS BOX!" I cry and Luke takes my hand.
"What?" Dad asks and Rebecca looks sad.
"You said I can do whatever I want with her stuff"
"DAD" I yell and I notice Alex and Reggie walk out with Harmony and Grayson.
I turn to Luke and he looks disappointed at dad.
"It's okay" dad says to Rebecca.
"DAD! IT'S NOT" I cry.
"Calm down mija!"
He walks to Rebecca to comfort HER!
What is wrong with my dad?! I turn to Luke who looks sad.
"I-i can't breathe" I mumble and he takes me on my hand and we walk in the livingroom where he sits me down on the couch and takes both of my hands in his.
"I-i can't breathe Luke" I stumble and try to get air in my lungs but it won't work.
"Breathe with me okay?" We breathe for a while but I get rolled over a wave of tears again and I can't calm down.
"Julie please try it okay?" He says and I nod and listen to his voice.
"I don't want for you to experience that again" he whispers and leaves me alone.
Where is he going? My whole body shakes and I see him come back with dad and a glass of water.
"N-no pl-ease" I mumble as I see Luke's sad face.
"Drink this please" he gives me the glass and I drink all of it. Why? I don't know. Maybe to just escape from my horrible dad and his girlfriend.....

Luke's pov.
She gives me the empty glass and I give it to Ray so I can sit down infront of Julie as she falls in my arms. I hate seeing her like this again. I lay now passed out Julie on the couch and cover her with a blanket.
"You should go home now" her dad says and I freeze but nod. Why wants he us to leave? He changed so so much. Julie doesn't deserve all of the pain she has to go through. I grab Julie and carry her in my arms to our car where Alex and Reggie buckled in the twins already.
"Thanks" I hug then for goodbye.
"Poor Julie" Reggie looks at her and I nod and close the door.
"I'll text you soon" I wave and drive home.

I lay next to Julie in our bed and watch her sleep. It's late and the twins fell asleep on the way home. She moves her lips. Her face is swollen from the much crying but she still looks so pretty. I rub over her cheek with my thumb and she moves a little more.
She opens her eyes and looks at me.
"I love you" she whispers and turns around and continues to sleep.
"I love you too Julie! So much"
"So much" she mumbles and I put my arm around her so she feels safe and home. Poor Julie.

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