3. we all need someone to hold

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Julie's pov.
"What about Finally free?" I ask the guys.
"Sure!" Luke says and we start singing finally free. After we finished I clap.
"That was great guys!" I say and smile at them.
"We did good!" Reggie high fives Alex as we hear someone walking in the studio I look over and see Nick? What the hell?
I wrinkle my forehead and feel Luke's look on me.
"Oh hi Nick" I say and get up from the piano.
"Can we talk?" He asks cold
"Okay? I'll be back soon guys" and follow him outside.
"Can we go somewhere more privat?" Nick asks.
"We can go in my room?" I say and we walk upstairs since dad isn't home we can be in my room.
"So what's up Nick?" I say and he sits on my bed.
"I wanted to ask you on a date?" He says. Again? He does not give up.
"Uhm listen Nick. I'm sorry but I love someone else" I tell him and he nods but looks angry.
"Sorry" I say again and he comes up to me and takes my hands. What is he doing? I try to let go of his hands but he is holding so tight. What?
"Nick I'm sorry okay?" I apologize and he still nods seems like he doesn't really listen to me.
"You okay?" I ask as I see his empty stare at me. He is holding my hands even tighter and it hurts.
"Please Nick! Let me go! It hurts" I say but he still nods but grabs my shoulders. What is wrong with him he is never like that. I try to step a step back but he holds me so tight.
"You are mine Julie Molina" he says cold. What!!
"Nick! Let me go now!" I yell and he grabs my arm wrists again I see him whisper something and I suddenly feel a electric joint on my arm wrists.
"Ohw! Let me go! Nick! Pleasee" I yell but he doesn't stop. My feet can no longer carry me and I fall on the ground and he finally let go of me.
"If you tell someone from this little conversation i will destroy you and your ugly band Julie Molina. I'll be back soon hahaha" And Nick runs out of my room. I put myself into a ball and feel tears rolling down my cheeks. What was that. Why does it hurt so bad and what happend? I still cry and hold my arm. It hurts a lot.

After a while I don't know how long it was my arm stopped hurting and I finally get up and walk downstairs and make my way to the studio before the guys worry about me.
"Julie tell Alex to stop yelling at me" I hear Reggie but I walk to the piano and look at the notes.
"You okay?" Luke asks and I give him a small fake smile.
"Uh sure" I say.
"Sorry guys I'm really tired I'm going to sleep now. We'll rehears tomorrow again" I say and walk in my room.

The next day.

Luke's pov.
I look at the clock on my new phone Julie got us it's onky 3am. I get up and walk outside to get some fresh air for my freaked out head. I walk around the garden for a while and look up at Julie's bedroom window. She has her nightstand light on. She probably can't sleep too but I can't go in her room to check on her Ray is here and if he sees me I'm dead again. I notice a shadow by Julie's window but I blink and it's gone. Gosh I should probably go back to sleep I see things.

Julie's pov.
A hand is on my mouth making it impossible to yell and scream for help. I see Nick but he looks so cold and distant. He holds my hands so I cannot box him tears roll down my face but he keeps doing something I don'tknow what it is. Why is he like that. What did I do!
"If you don't scream I'll let you go!" He says in a cold tone. I nod and he let go I sit up and slide back till I'm with my back on the wall. My whole body is shaking and I cry so much I have to keep my hand on my mouth or I will cry out loud. He takes my other arm and presses his hand on my wrist. Purple smoke appears and I see the smoke flow in my hand.
"Who-who are you" I try to say.
"You are so dumb young lady! Don't see the smoke?" He says and I gasp! No is it?
"Caleb?" I ask and cry a little more. I hate him so much.
"B-but why? What do you want?" I ask and he smiles at me through Nick.
"Agh I just love seeing people get hurt!" he explains and looks up staring at the wall.
"I have to go now. See you soon Julie Molina" he says and poofs out.
I lay my hand on my chest trying to calm myself down. Why me? I get up ans I feel weak and shaky. But I manage do run downstairs and to the studio but run into Luke before the studio door.
"Julie?" He asks worried and I look in his eyes and he takes my hands.
"What? What happend?" He ask but I can't say something because of the crying. He helps me sit down on the stairs in the garden.
"Okay breathe! Take a deep breath with me" and I do what he says. I calm down a little and wipe away my tears. He pats my back and I fall into his arms. Luke continues to rub my back and I just cry and cry till nothing is left.
"Oh Julie? What happend?"
"You can tell me"
"No no I can't" i cry again and get up.
"Yes you can"
"No Luke you don't understand!" I tell him and he takes my hands.
"Julie you okay? Did someone hurt you?" Oh no he knows me too well.
"No I was just having a really bad dream"
"I'm sorry thanks but I'll go to sleep again now" I say ans walk inside.

I lay I bed but can't sleep for the rest of the night.i wake up and feel like crap and look into my mirror. I look pale and my eyes look read from crying all night. But I manage to get dressed and walk downstairs where Dad is making breakfast.
"Mija? You alright?" He asks as he sees me.
"Uhm yeah I just couldn't sleep well" I explain and he gives me a plate of scrambled eggs and fruits and sit down.

Luke's pov.
I sit next to Julie and look at her. She hasn't looked at me and just stares on her eggs without eating any. I put my hand on hers and she gasps.
"Oh sorry you scared me" She says and I put my hand away.
"Sorry" I apologize but she continues to look on her plate.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Sure just tired" she explains and I nod. Something is wrong but what is it?
"So Julie? When are we going to rehears today?" Reggie asks but Julie doesn't respond.
"Jules?" Alex asks and she finally looks up.
"Rehearsal?" Alex says.
"Uh yeah uhm how about tomorrow!" She says and gets up and gets walks upstairs.
"You not hungry mija?" Ray asks and she shakes her head. I look at the boys and they look worried too. We have to find out what's wrong!

Julie's pov.
I sit in my bed with my head on my knees. What happend yesterday and what did he do to me. I hear a knock. Oh no please not Caleb again. I quickly hide underneath my bed. I shake so bad that I'm worried he's gonna hear me underneath the bed.
"Jules?" It's Luke.
"Where are you?"
I crawl out and he wrinkles his forehead as he sees me coming from underneath my bed.
"Uhm I lost a pencil" I explain.
"Well did you find it?" He asks.
He nods and sits down on my bed.
"What's wrong Julie?" He asks again. Why can't he just leave me alone.
"Nothing I'm great super duper great" i say but I don't manage a smile. Suddenly a joilt runs through my body causing me to fall down on the floor. I put myself into a ball.
"JULIE!" I hear Luke and he pats my back.
"What happend?" He asks.
"Julieeeee! Don't tell him or he is dead!" I hear in my head.
"No!" I yell.
"Hahah you are so weak little kid." I feel another pain run through my body.
"M-make it stop" I cry
"What? Julie what should I do?" I hear Luke's voice.
"Help me" I whisper.
"Julie! Stay here! I'm here" I feel his hand on my cheek but I also feel my eyes flickering.
"Stay with me J-" and everything goes black.

[Oh God sorry this chapter is really traumatic haha. It gets NOT better lol. Okay hope ya'll liked it with the traumatic stuff. 👀]

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