35. best thing

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A few weeks later.
"Bye twins! See you soon" I wave for goodbye and walk out of the daycare room and across the hallway. This college is huge! And I always need so long to find my class. Oh finally! I sit down on a chair and get out my notebook and a pencil. The room is pretty empty still. I miss Flynn, Sofia and James. Flynn went to a college not long away from here but Sofia and James literally went to another state and I haven't seen them in such a long time. And I miss being in school with my friends. To be honest I haven't really found friends here since I'am only here 2 times a week. I notice a group of people walk in and also the teacher.
Ugh oh how much I hate this teacher. He is in a bad mood all of the time.
"Can I sit here?" Someone asks.
It's a boy my age.
"I'm Ethan" he shakes my hand and smiles at me.
"Sush! We have other students here!" The teacher yells and I look down at my paper. The rest of the class is boring. Finally the last class of the day is over and I pack my things.
"Do you want to go get some Starbucks?" Ethan asks.
"Uhm okay" we walk out and across the hallway.
"Okay I gotta pick up the kids first but then we can go" I explain and he looks shook.
"Oh okay" he says and I knock in the door.
"Mamamamaaa" Harmony yells as she sees me and I take her and Grayson in my arms.
"Hello babiess!" I kiss their cheeks and walk out.
"Ethan Harmony and Grayson" I explain and he gives them a small smile.
"I mean if you don't have time to go I can understand" he says and I shake my head and put some of Harmony hair from her face.
"I wanted to go to Starbucks anyway it's our Friday celebration tradition to get a cakepop after school" I explain and his eyes stuck on my ring finger with Luke's ring on. He looks sad and I take the twins on each hand so we can walk.
"I-uhm I don't have time sorry" He says and I wrinkle my forehead.
"Bye Julie was nice meeting you" and he walks away.
"That's on finding friends" I whisper and walk out of the school and to my car.
"Grayson let go of my hair please" I say as I puckle him in. He laughs and finally let go of my hair.
"You strong boy" I giggle and drive over to Starbucks.

At home I lay the twins down for a nap and make some dinner and get ready for my piano learner.
*ding dong ding*
I open up the door and Hannah hugs me.
"Hey hannah" I say and she smiles at me.
"Let's get started right?"
She nods and we walk in the livingroom where the piano is and we sit down.
"Okay did you practice this week?"
Hannah nods and I smile.
"Great show me please"
We start the lesson and she does great!
"Okay time for a break. Want some cookies?" I ask and she nods and we walk in the kitchen. Hannah is a amazing girl but she doesn't speak. She is nonverbal and her mom told me she never spoke and is most likely not to speak ever in her life. But we can communicate in our own way. She is incredibly talented and loves to play.
"Here" I give her a plate and a cup of milk.
"Okay imma go get the twins I'll be right back okay?" I ask and she nods and eats a cookie.

Me and the twins walk downstairs and we all eat cookies together.
"I'm home" we hear Luke yell and the twins scream.
"Hello beautiful" Luke hugs me and kisses the twins. He waves at Hannah and she waves back.
"Oh your mom is here Hannah" I say because I saw her from the window.
"Bye Hannah have a nice weekend" I hug her and she runs out to her mom.
"How was school?" Luke gives me a kiss and I smile and sit down next to the twins.
"Good. I thought I found a new friend but he kind of acted weird and ran away"
Luke laughs and pats my head.
"It's okay. I have you and all my other friends. When are Alex and Reggie coming over again?" I ask while I put Grayson out of his highchair.
"They are busy with work and stuff"
They both got a job at a music studio and now working so much. I miss the good old days where we were teenagers with only music in our minds.
"Okay so I looked at some wedding venues and I found one that is so beautiful" Luke tells me and shows me a picture on his phone.
"Wow yess! But way to expensive Luke"
"I know"
"What if we just have our wedding at the beach? With only our families and closest friends."
"Sounds good"
"We still have a lot of time let's not break our minds about something that is so far away" I tell him and he nods.
"You're right! I just can't wait to see you in a wedding dress" he looks dreamy and I laugh.
"Oh god"
"What! You're going to look like a princess"
"How'd you know?"
"I just know because you are so beautiful" he taps my nose and I giggle.
"I don't deserve you" I say and quickly run to Harmony and Grayson who fight over a toy.
"Harmony! We have so many different things to play with" I say and she starts crying.
"They are already fighting and they are just 1 year old" I laugh and take her in my arms.
"Mommyyy" she cries and I kiss her forehead.
"It's okay my big girl" I sigh and Luke laughs.
"They get so biggg" I say and Harmony cuddles into me.
"Probably time for a dog!" I look at Luke and he rolls his eyes.
"Yes!" Harmony yells and we laugh.
"Look Harmony wants a dog too!"
Luke shakes his head and takes Grayson and we walk upstairs to lay them down.
"Goodnight my lovelys" I whisper and we walk out and in our room.
"Time for some us time" Luke jumps on the bed and I do too.
"I love our alone nights" I explain and he smiles at me. I lay down with my head on his lap and Luke plays with my hair.
"I love how Harmony and Grayson have your curls. I love them"
"They look so cute with that hair"
"Like you"
"Stop! But Grayson definitely has more from you"
"Yep and Harmony more from you"
"I love that we have our own twins" I tell him and he giggles.
"That's right"
"Oh that's my phone" I say and jump up.

Luke's pov.
"Hi dad? What's up?" I hear Julie say while she lays next to me.
"Oh okay........no it's okay dad......yes........okay.....bye....love you too dad......"
She hangs up and looks at me.
"Dad and his girlfriend want to go out for lunch with us next week"
"It's going to be just a lunch"
"I know but I don't know if I want to meet Rebecca"
"Maybe she is super nice"
"Maybe. Let's talk about something else. Our plan"
"What plan?"
"Okay well my plan. Life plan"
"I don't like life plans"
"But I do, okay so I'll be finished with that college in 1 year, I need to find a place near our home where I can work as a music teacher plus we need a kindergarten for the twins"
"Yep but don't rush you'll never know what happens in a year"
"Yes I know but that's the plan so far"
She cuddles in my chest and I rub her back.
"Can you sing to me?" She asks and I laugh.
"She loves love letters and babies...." I sing and I watch her eyes close She looks so peaceful and pretty when she is about to sleep.
I finish the song and she smiles with her eyes closed.
"That song is about you" I tell her and she giggles.
"You didn't write it"
"I know but still"
"I love you Luke"
"I love you too Julie so much!"
"So much" she mumbles and falls asleep.

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