28. for a thousand years

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Julie's pov.
"Darling don't be afraid..." I sing to my crying girl on my chest. She is the one who needs the most attention and love right now. Grayson is a sleepy head and sleeps the whole time. While Harmony wants to lay on my chest the whole day. They are now 2 days old and me and Luke fall in love with out twins everyday more. Alex and Reggie saw them yesterday and they love them. Harmony calms down and she clings her fingers around my finger and i watch her. She is in a super cute outfit Luke gave her. He wants to dress them up everyday! He is the biggest help! I take a picture of her and send it to dad and Emily. Even tho I know that dad won't text back.

I kiss her nose and she makes some noise

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I kiss her nose and she makes some noise. I should stop kiss her all the time or she will wake up again. Luke sits next to me on bed with Grayson in his arms. He only has a diaper on.

I also send this picture to our families

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I also send this picture to our families. Grayson is definitely more bigger and heavier. But thats okay. They both have a lot of hair and we love it! Luke thinks they become as curly as mine are. But we'll see.
"Look" I point at Harmony who moves her mouth in her sleep.
"Aww what a cutie pie" Luke says and tickles Grayson but he just moves a lot.
"He isn't ticklish" Luke laughs and I smile too.
"Okay let's get ready for bed" I say and put Harmony and Grayson in a crip next to our bed.

I wake up because of a baby crying i look over. It's harmony of course so i take her out and change her diaper and Rock her gently in my arm because she still cries. She can't be hungry she just ate 1 hour ago.
"What's up?" I hear Luke with his sleepy voice he looks at me and Harmony.
"She won't stop crying" I explain and massage er stomach gently and she really stops crying.
"Sleep well my girl" I kiss her forehead and put her back.
"You do so good" Luke kisses me and I smile and fall asleep again.

A week later.

Julie's pov.
I change Grayson in a new diaper and Luke dresses him of course and we walk downstairs with them. My friends are coming to visit to see them for the first time. I sit on the couch with the two and Lukes opens up the door and my friends walk in. I smile at them and i see Flynn tearing up a little.
"Oh my god!" She says and sits next to me as well as James and Sofia.
"They are beautiful" Sofia gives me a side hug and they all watch the twins sleep.
"Can I touch them or are they going to wake up then?" Flynn asks.
"You can even hold them" I laugh and show her how to hold Grayson.
"Aw hello Grayson" she carefully touches his hands.
"Can I hold Harmony?" Sofia asks and I nod and lay Harmony in her arms.
"She is so tiny" James says and touches her foot.
"Yea she is a little smaller then her brother" Luke explains and sits next to Flynn.
"But how are you Julie?" Flynn asks.
"I'm good!" I smile at her.
"Okay since my hands are free I'm going to bring you guys some cake Reggie made us" I get up and cut the cake. I hear Harmony cry and walk back. Luke holds Harmony and she cries super loud.
"Here she found out that it wasn't you holding her" Luke says and I take my girl. She stops crying and I kiss her head.
"Wow do you have superpowers?" Sofia laughs and I sit down.
"Mom super powers" James says and we laugh.
"She wants to lay on me 24/7" i smile at my girl.
"Grayson is the most calm one" Luke looks at Grayson who is deeply asleep.
We spend a long time talking and watching the babies until they go home and i walk upstairs to change Grayson.
"Uh stinky Grayson" i giggle he literally pooped all the way up his back.
"Ugh Grayson you poop machine" Luke says as he sees the mess.
"I gotta bath him real quick" i explain and walk to the bathroom and clean him in the sink. He sleeps all the way through, wrapped in a towel I walk back in my room and see Luke changing Harmony.
"Look! Isn't that so cute" he shows me a bow and i smile at him.
"It is" I change Grayson and lay him down to sleep. It was a great day!

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