18. you betrayed me

105 6 3

Tw: strong language ⚠️

Julie's pov.
How could he do this to me? How could everybody in my family lie to me the whole time! I'm not dumb I know that Caleb is in my head i feel it. Right? I have my face in my hands and cry like a little girl on the floor in my room. Why is everybody lying to me? How could they do this? They just lied and said they are searching for Caleb but they just said that and did nothing because it's "not real".
"Julie! Please let me in!" Luke yells.
"FUCK YOU!" I yell.
"Julie please let me explain!"
"Why Luke why?" I cry.
"Julie" he doesn't need to say more. He doesn't believe me. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy. Why? Why me? I cry even more thinking about me and Luke when we talked about Caleb for hours to get rid of him. He lied right in my face.
"Julie. I'm coming in now" he says.
"I locked my door" I yell but hear a key.
No! He has a key to my room?! Soon he walks in and sits infront of me and takes my hand but i slap his arm and he let go.
"Why? Why did you lie to me!" I cry.
"I-Julie it's for your own safety"
"For my safety!!? To lie to me the whole last few months!"
"I'm sorry"
"Do you even love me? Or was that a lie too?" I cry.
"What no Julie i love you i love you so much"
"Then why did you lie to someone you love?!"
"I'm sorry"
"Leave me alone!" I yell and he walks out the door.
"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH! AND I DON'T HALLUCINATE IT'S REAL!!" I yell and lock my door again and lay in bed and cry till no tears are left.

I feel a hand on my back. Why can't everybody just leave me alone!
"Mija" i turn around and see dad with a doctor! No he did not!
"Go away!"
"He is just here to check on you"
"Leave me alone!"
"Julie i just need to-"
"No! Leave both of you! I don't need a doctor! I don't need anyone!!" I yell.
"Please Julie are you 17 or 7? Please" dad helps me sit up and I let the doctor do his things. I hate it!
"Okay Julie you really need to calm down you heart and blood pressure are way to high!" The doctor says and I scoff.
"Okay here are some pills for you to take to calm down" he gives me a box.
"Thank you" dad walks out with the stupid doctor and i throw the box on the wall. I'm not taking them again. They can't just do that to me!
"Jules?" It's Alex.
"Get out" I yell without turning around.
"I'm so sorry okay?"
"We didn't want to hurt your feelings" he explains.
"But you did!" I yell.
"We are so sorry" now Reggie in here too.
"Why? why? Did you all lie to me? You all think I'm crazy but i know that it's real!" I yell.
"Jules the doctor said it's not" Alex says.
"And you listen to the doctor more then me! Great thank you! And now leave my room and me alone!" I yell and they walk out. I thought we were friends!
I cry in my pillow. Why why is my life a nightmare.
"Mija, you have to take your pills now" dad sits on the edge of my bed with the pills.
"Go away papa" I say and turn on the other side.
"Please it's better for you" he pats my back.
"Yes because i can't scream at you and be angry at you and the guys when I take them because I will be asleep for the next 4 hours! I'm not taking them dad!" I yell and he sighs.
"Please you have to calm down"
"I'am calm!"
"Please mija"
"No!" I feel like a little kid again but they can't just give me them and the "problem" is asleep!
"Julie please" I jump out of my bed.
"NO DAD I'm never going to take any medication anymore! I don't want to do that anymore!" I yell and run downstairs.
"Mija!" I hear dad yell and run downstairs where the boys sit in the kitchen.
"WHY?!" I cry and look at Luke he looks sad in my eyes.
"I'am so sorry Jules" he sighs.
"You think I'm crazy and dumb since the accident! You know how much you hurt my feelings?! I trusted you!" I yell right in his face.
"Julie please calm down" dad says and I feel his hand on my arm.
"I thought we are friends, family but you all lied right in my face!!" I yell and run in moms garden sliding down with my back at the house wall and bury my hands in my face. After a little while i notice someone sitting next to me rubbing my back. I know that it's Luke. I feel tired, sad miserable and not well at all. Life is so unfair. Luke pulls me in his arms causing me to cry even more because i don't want to be angry at him. He slowly rubs my back and places a kiss on my head. I suddenly get catched by a wave of dizziness. Everything spins and it doesn't feel good at all. I cling to his arms.
"I-i don't feel that good" I let him now and everything goes black.

Luke's pov.
I lay the passed out Julie on the sofa and cover her with a blanket. Reggie and Alex watch me doing that looking scared.
"She's going to be fine" Alex pats Reggies shoulder. I hear Ray calling the doctor and sit next to Julie on the edge of the bed. Poor Jules it was too much for her body to handle all the anger and crying. I feel bad, Alex and Reggie feel bad of what we did to Julie. But what should've we done? The doctor said it clear to not tell her or she'll freak out. We don't know what to believe and what not. I notice Julie moving a little and she opens her eyes she tries to sit up but I hold her back.
"Lay down" I say in a soft tone and she does what I say closing her eyes again. Ray walks in and we all sit down in the livingroom waiting for the doctor to check on Julie.
"How are you feeling mija?" Ray asks and Julie looks at him.
"Weird" she mumbles and closes her eyes again.

Soon the doctor comes and checks on Julie. I hold her hand because she looks scared.
"Too much stress for your body young lady" he shakes his head and puts away his doctor things.
"Rest sleep and rest more! I have some pills for you to take and i need you to sleep and keep it calm for the rest of the week until I check on you again. Don't freak out again" he sighs and Ray walks him to the door.
"Okay boys up in bed with her" Ray claps and i carry her upstairs in my arms she rests her head on my shoulder and I lay her down in bed me and the boys cover her with blankets and pillows and Ray gives her the pills.
"I hope you don't have many side effects from them" Ray reads the instructions on the pills box.
"Okay time to sleep it's late!" We follow Ray out the room and walk in out rooms.

Julie's pov.
I wake up the next day with headache and a weird stomach. I love side effects. And i feel weak too. I see some breakfast on my nightstand and a note from Reggie - hope u like my pancakes love Reg- i smile at his note but can't eat any of the pancakes because i feel to weak and nauseas for them. I wish I could eat them tho. So I decide to check my phone. 5 messages from Flynn.

*-hey bestie! Heard what happend I'am so sorry i shouldn't have lied to you too. Pls forgive me🙏🏼❤️‍🩹-
-so sorry please don't quit our friendship🥺-
-you okay? Helloooo? Are you not coming to school today?😰-
-sorry Reggie just texted me what happend yesterday. Hope you feel better soon, I'll come to visit you after school 🙊🫂-
-Carrie just fell in the hallway and everybody saw it! 😬😆 i bring you donuts!!🤗-
*-don't worry I'm too exhausted to be mad at you-
-no school for me for the rest of the week😑-
-Flynn it's not funny (okay maybe a little bit) why did she fell tho?🥲
-yay donutsssss👁👅👁-
I lay my phone next to me and sigh and hear my bedroom door open and Luke walks in sitting next to me in bed. I lean my head on his shoulder and he plays with my curls.
"I just wanted to tell you that I'am SO SO sorry for what happend. I can't describe of how deeply sorry I'am! I'm a bad boyfriend." He sighs.
"No you're not" I say.
"And I'm still pretty mad and angry but I'm too exhausted to really be" I tell him.
"Can you forgive me someday?"
"I will" I say and he kisses my hand.
I look in his wonderful green eyes. How can I be mad at him any longer?
"I did it for love Julie" he kisses my forehead.


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