2. I'll stay

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[Love this song and movie! You have to watch "instant family"!
Okay enjoyy this chapter]

Julie's pov.
"Come in!" I say and Nick walks in looking around the kitchen. I point him to sit down.
"Do you want to drink something?" I ask and he nods. Mhm okay?
"Soo what do you want?" I ask again.
"What?" He looks confused.
"Do you want a glass of water?" Why is he acting so weird.
"Uhh yes please" and I get him a glass of water and sit next to him on the table.
"You alright?" I ask because he looks so weird all the time.
"Yes yes always" he says but his eyes look so empty I don't know how to describe.
"Oookay" I say and he stands up.
"Sorry I have to go!"
"Sorry I can't stay long I got things to plan."
"Huh?" What is wrong with him.
"Nothing. Bye" he waves and walks out
"Oookay!?" I say to myself and get a vase for the flowers.
"I got a spark in me hands up if you can see..." I sing while I fill up the vase with water.
"...Been so long and now I'm finally free" I hear Luke sing with me and I smile at him and he smiles back.
"Flowers?" He asks. Oh oh.
"Yes Nick was here" I explain and see a shadow of sadness in his face.
"Oh okay" he just says and walks out. Why is everyone so weird today?

Luke's pov.
"Stupid Nick! God how much I hate this guy! He brings Julie flowers!" I tell the guys and they laugh.
"Why do you laugh now?" I ask moody.
"You are so jealous Luke!" Alex says and pats my back.
"No! I'm not jealous!"
"Oh yes you are Luke" Reggie giggles and I throw a blanket right in his face.
"Hey! Stop it!" Reggie yells and runs out.
"Great job Luke!" Alex says and looks angry.
"He is a crybaby"
"Like you" Alex says and walks out.

Julie's pov.
"Ahhhh" I yell because Reggie runs in my room like crazy!
"Sorry Julie" he apologizes.
"Please knock before you walk in. I almost got a heart attack" I breath out and sit next to Reg on my bed.
"What's up?" I ask.
"The guys are annoying" he explains.
"I know" and laugh in this moment Alex walks in and jumps on my bed.
"Hey Jules!"
"Hi Alex? What is up with you guys?"
"Luke is annoying" Alex says and I laugh again.
"Okay? Why?" I ask.
"Because he is-" Alex tries to say
"-because I'm in a bad mood" Luke interrupts Alex.
"Why are you in a bad mood?" I ask.
"Uhmm nothing serious" Luke says and also lays on the bed. Oookay?
"MIJA!!" I hear dad yell und jump out of bed. Oh no. He can see the boys I totally forgot!
"Can you please tell me why on earth are the 3 boys from you band on you bed!!" He asks with his arms crossed.
"Ray! Ray I love y-" Reggie oh God.
"Reggie! Shut up!" Luke yells and slaps his arm.
"Ohw!" He complains and I shake my head. Oh my lord please help me! I say a prayer in my head.
"Julie! A anwer please!" He still looks so angry.
"Uhm. They came to visit" I say.
"And why didn't you tell me?"
"Uh! uh it was so fast they surprised me this morning" I say and hope he believes me. He looks skeptical. Oh no.
"I don't believe you"
"Okay okay! Hi I'm Alex!" Alex shakes my dad's hand. I give Alex the don't-say-anything stare but he ignores it. Oh lord save me!
"We uhm we are homeless! Yes yes we are homeless and Julie said we can move into the studio for a while" he mumbles. Oh my god! Thanks Alex! Dad looks at me with a angry face.
"Julie Molina!! You can't just do that without asking me!" Dad complains and I stare at Alex and he raises his hands apologetically.
"I'm sorry dad! I can't just let my band mates and friends sleep on the street!" I say and he nods.
"That's right! One week of dishwasher chores for you young lady!" He says and I let out a big sigh!
"But dad!"
"No! I hope you learn you lesson to ask me before something like that!"
"I'm so sorry. Please let them stay" I say.
"You know that I can't just let 3 boys live on the streets! But just for a while" he says and the boys shake his hand.
"Thank you so much" Luke says.
"But you guys have to follow the rules!" Dad says.
"What rules?" I ask.
"Help in household. No boy in Julie's room and no rehearsal in the night!"
"But dad!"
"Do you want them to stay?"
"Okay okay fine!" I say and cross my arms.
"Thank you so much we will follow the rules" Alex says.
"And now out of my daughters room." Dad says and points at the door.

Luke's pov.
It's been an hour since Julie's dad kicked us out of Julie's room.
"I want to go back in her comfy bed" Reggie complains.
"We can't! Her dad will kick us out if he sees us" Alex reminds him and we nod.
"I'm sooo bored" I say and lay on the couch.
"Same boy same" Reggie says and walks around the studio.
"Guys? Dinner is ready!" Julie walks in with her wonderful smile.
"We can eat with you?" Alex asks.
"It's a house rule. Everybody eats dinner with the family" Julie explains and we follow her inside and I sit next to her and Alex. Reggie of course sits next to Ray. Carlos stares at us with a grin. He definitely knows! Julie was right as she told us what he told Julie yesterday. I look around the table and notice a empty plate and glass.
"Is someone else coming?" I ask and point at the seat next to Julie. Julie puts a hand on the empty plate.
"It's moms" she says.
"Oh" we 3 say. I've never noticed before.
"Thanks Ray" Reggie says as Ray gets the spaghetti to break the silence.
"You're welcome" he says and gets Reggie's and Carlos hand.
"We say a prayer before we eat" Carlos explains as he sees our faces. And I take Julie's and Alex hand. Her hand feels warm and I rub over it with my thumb and she gives me a small smile. She also puts her hand on her mom's place.
"Thank you lord for the again delicious spaghetti!" Carlos starts.
"And thank you lord for our family and friends" Julie says.
She looks at me. Huh? Why is everyone looking at me?
"Say something" she says.
"Oh! Oh yeah. Sorry uhm thanks lord for water" I say and Julie giggles it sounds so cute.
"Thank you lord that we can stay in a place like this" Alex says.
"Thank you lord for spaghetti" Reggie prays and licks over his lips. And everyone laughs.
"Amen" we all say and start eating. 

Julie's pov.
After we all ate I get everything in the dishwasher. Of course. Thanks to Alex! Luke sits on the kitchen cabinet and watches me. I feel that he is looking at me. Everyone else went upstairs or in the studio. It's only me and him and that makes me a little nervous. I take a plate but it I let of fall as I hear someone screaming from the studio.
"What the hell?" I say and jump away from the shards.
"Be careful" Luke says and jumps from the cabinet and he helps me clean it.
"Thank you." I say and smile at him.
"Should we go look?" I ask and he nods.
So we run to the studio and see Reggie in Alex arms. It looks hilarious.
"What happend?" I ask.
"A spider!" Reggie cries.
"What! Oh no!" I say and jump on the piano.
"Are you 2 really scared of spiders?" Alex says and let's Reggie down.
"Duh! They are so disgusting" I tell him and he laughs.
"Where is it?" Reggie asks and looks around on the floor. Oh I hope she ran out.
"She probably died because of your scream" Luke laughs and sits on the couch.
"Please find her! I can't sleep if I don't know for sure that she's dead" Reggie says.
"Okay guys! Good luck and good night!" I wave and walk into my room.

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