5. wake up

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Luke's pov.
"When can I see her?" I ask Ray as he came back from the hospital we told him about Julie just not the bad ghost stuff only that she fell down and passed out or something.
"I don't know" he replies and walks in. He was in the hospital.
"How is she?" I ask and he throws his keys on the table.
"Luke I couldn't see her" he says in a sad tone.
"Huh? Why?"
He takes a deep breath.
"She she is in a coma" he sits on a chair.
"WHAT!" I oh Julie.
"They don't know if she'll make it till tomorrow" he tells me and I run into the studio.
"She is in a coma!" I tell them and Reggie hugs me.
"They don't know if she'll make it till tomorrow" I cry and Willie pats my back.
"I'm so sorry" He says. I can't be in here any longer. I run out and walk through the suburbs my thoughts are only about Julie. I didn't even notice that I made my way to my parents house till I stand by the front door. Oh mom how much I need you right now. I wipe away my tears and sit on the front porch. I sigh and look up to the sky and send a little prayer to God for Julie. I'm not really religious but mom was so I remember a little prayer for a little help so Julie can wake up soon. She doesn't deserve this. It's all my fault i knew something was wrong the whole time. I sigh and wipe away some tears that are still coming. Oh Julie I can't lose you. I will never forgive myself if she doesn't wake up.

After a while I make my way back to the studio. I see still light in the kitchen probably Ray even tho it's almost midnight and poor Julie has to be all alone. I walk into the studio Reggie and Alex already sleeping ugh Reggie lays on MY couch. I sigh and walk into the house and sneak upstairs. Rey doesn't even notice me he is on the phone I think with Tia viktoria. I walk to Julie's bedroom and take a deep breath before I walk in. I look around the room and lay on the bed. The pillow smells like Julie. Oh how much I want her here healthy and happy. I cry till I fall asleep.

"Luke?" I hear someone say and open my eyes. It's Alex.
"You can see Julie" I sit up and he gives me a small smile.
"W- really?"
"Yes Ray just told me! He drives you come downstairs" He tells me and I quickly get ready and do my hair in Julie's bathroom. I also take a pillow with me so she has something that smells like home. Oh my god I can't believe I'm going to see her! I run downstairs and we walk to the car and drive to the hospital.
"She is in room 101" Ray tells me and I thank him for driving me. He also saw Julie earlier. I walk in and smell that disgusting hospital smell. I walk to the reception.
"Hello I'm here to visit Julie Molina" I tell the lady.
"Okay! Petra can you go with him" she yells at a woman and she nods and I follow her to room 101.
"You have 30min time" she says and I walk in. It's the most horrible thing I've ever seen. Julie in a big room on a bed with cables and machines attached to her a chair is next to her bed and I sit down. I carefully take her hand and run over it with my thumb. Maybe she knows I'm here.
"Hey Jules. It's me Luke." I say and take a deep breath so I don't break out and cry again.
"I love you Julie I love you so freaking much. I would've told you earlier if I've knewn something like that would happen" I say and move some hair out of her pale face. What did Caleb do to her?
"I know you can fight through it cause you are sooo strong." I say and I hear a doctor walk in he greets me and does something on the machines.
"Doctor will she wake up soon?" I ask and he looks up from his board.
"We don't know sorry." He says and walks out. Wow that was helpful.
"Should I sing a song?" I ask but then I realize she can't respond. I sigh.
"Here's one thing I want you to know you got someplace to go...." I sing and pat her hand.
After a while I hear a nurse walk in
"your time is over" she says and I nod.
"I love you" I say and kiss Julie's forehead before I leave.

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