Song Choices for "Operation: Hippo Drop"

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Demi Lovato: Really Don't Care (feat. Cher Lloyd)

Demi Lovato: Neon Lights

Demi Lovato: Give Your Heart a Break

Rihanna: SOS

Rihanna: Unfaithful

Avril Lavigne: What The Hell

Avril Lavigne: Complicated

Kelly Clarkson: Catch My Breath

Kelly Clarkson: Because of You

P!nk: True Love (feat. Lily Allen)

There may be more optional choices Demona might sing. Might...

Who wins the most votes on one of the songs displayed above, Demona will sing during the Heist as Murray steals the Clockwerk Wings during Royce's tango with Carmelita. It's (probably) best recommended that you'd listen to each song to better understand each and every one. Each song has a different interpretation and may (more or less) affect the outcome of the Heist once Royce makes his get-away.

Oh, and I also forgot that you have to pick one of the songs from above, by leaving a comment as a way for me to see it as a vote for "the most picked" song for Demona to sing at the ballroom.

Demona: "Wait! I am to do what?! Since when did I give you consent and determine over what song I am going to sing during The Big Event?!"

Royce: "Please, at least do it for me??"

Demona: "...And why should I?," Demona replied, crossing her arms as if she was insulted, "I don't even know these songs!!"

Royce: "I know you are MORE than a great singer; you have such a beautiful voice, it's more than enough to make even me cry."

Demona: "Yeah, so?! I know I have more than a beautiful voice, so why should I sing any of these songs?! Is this about our little performance in the ballroom?! Well... go on, say something!! I'm listening." After some peer-pressuring from Demona, Royce gave in and let out his emotions, how he felt and what what was on his mind.

Royce: "FINE! I love you, Demona! There, I said it, I confessed," Royce told the unfazed female-raccoon, only as he continued going on with his emotions, "even when I found out you were (secretly) a criminal, didn't know what you were or even are capable of, I was playing a game of life-or-death. I didn't care, because there was something else about you, others otherwise wouldn't care about you about."

Demona: "...And what would that be exactly?" Demona replied, trying not to take the confession too harshly, "Are you saying that you are scared of, if not also intimidated by me?! And so what if I'm a criminal, it's not like I ever planned on harming you!!"

Royce: "No, no, no. That is the exact opposite of what I am trying to say... *Royce sighs, trying to recollect himself* Demona, I dearly love you; even if you are a criminal. I already learned of your criminal-behaviors; your criminal-actions, you're not to blame because I've found out through Bentley that you've been seriously injured through an accident that left you changed. Even before I found out who you truly are and what danger can pose to me, I thought and felt like we were meant to be- be together. It's not your body I'm interested in, or wanting to use you, or your position in power... no, I truly care about you, you made me feel like I was cared about, things I can't explain in a way that makes sense. Demona... I'm the last of my kind."

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