Chapter 16: "Operation: Thunder Beak"

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Bentley: "Alright everyone, let's get into our positions! Royce, I've made a change of plans, when that sign comes down, you are to jump in, grab the Clockwerk Tail Feathers and then we are outta here! Got that?"

Royce: "Yes Sir." Royce says to Bentley before Sly wanted his attention.

Sly: "While we are trying to get you ready and grab those Tail Feathers, design and come up with your own Calling Card."

Meanwhile, with Royce, at the Safe-house...

Royce: "What did Sly and the Gang mean by 'make my own Calling Card'?" Royce thought to himself before sighting one of Sly's Calling Cards and used it as a base template, "there are a lot of these Cards. Sly use 'em pretty often? A-ha!"

Murray: "Come on chum, let's get to that water-tower!" Murray says as the duo rush towards the water tower which is guarded by 2 rat guards, and Bentley Sleep Darts the 2 before placing bombs as to "erase" their existence, "jump right into my arms, I'll toss you up there." Murray grabs Bentley before being thrown a hole covering the entrance to the tower. "You're going to have to blast your way in!"

As soon as Bentley blasts his way in, he notices several water-valves.

Bentley: "I need to focus. Which valves do I turn to divert water pressure from the plaza?" After one attempt, Bentley was able to divert water pressure from the fountain, "Success! Sly the water pressure to the fountain should be disabled."

Sly: "It's off alright. They're already sending out the repair-guy to fix it up."

Bentley: "Pickpocket the keys to his repair truck without being seen." Bentley said as Sly was already nearing the Boar and picking him. "Okay! Come back to the fountain to make the exchange."

Sly: "It's all you!" Sly said to his other teammates as he began to climb the Peacock Sign as part of his job in the heist.

Murray: "Let's head out for the repair truck!" Murray said as the 2 ran for the truck, "I'll take the wheel, I know how to drive a stick-shift!"

Sly: "I need to get on top of the Nightclub's Peacock Sign for Phase Three." Sly said to himself as he jumped onto a nearby balcony before landing on the nearby siding and climbing to the top of the Peacock Sign. "I'm in position."

Murray: "Great! We're just driving up right now. Get ready to grab the tow-harpoon!"

After 3 Attempts with the harpoon...

Sly: "Hooks on, pull away!!"

Bentley: "Sly, the guards are onto us. Protect the truck!"

Back with Royce...

With hearing all the commotion just right outside of the safe-house, Royce thought it would be "appropriate" to aid the Cooper Gang. Seeing how Sly was the only one kicking the crap out of the nearby guards a**. He grabbed his controller-type firearm and his cane before rushing out and aiding Sly, ending their confrontations within minutes. So he rushes outside with his Calling Cards ready for his section of the heist, only to see Sly and Bentley standing before a toppled Peacock Sign and a hole in the ground.

Bentley: "Behold the majesty of gravity and inertia."

Sly: "That was real subtle, Bentley."

Bentley: "Ok, Royce, you jump in, grab the Clockwerk Tail Feathers and we're out of here!" Bentley says as to Royce as he jumps into the large, gaping hole in the ground, leading to the Printing Press Room.

Meanwhile, in the Printing Press Room...

Dimitri: "Gah! So... Humanus Doodus- you're like totally bumming my house up and bringing me down. So very uncool. Why can't you let birds and bees be free, bro?"

Royce: "Listen Dimitri- you have no idea what you are playing with- it'll bring more than your house down..."

Dimitri: "Look, bro. I see that you are a tough cowboy... A man with taste... style... vision... a connoisseur of finer things. Like me. Look, I'm sure that two cats in a bag like us can work something out, yeah? We smoove, yeah? Look... See the money? You like the money? You can take all you want. I can-"

Royce: "No deal. You and the rest of the Klaww Gang have to be stopped. Clockwerk will never again see the light of day. Just hand over the Tail Feathers and we can—"

Dimitri: "What is this with clocks, bro? Have you no vision? Are you hearing what I beam to you? You think you have juice? Don't show me a little mind when talking about such big things... You think you can swing the bat? Show your bling and let me shine you."

Royce: "I have no idea what you're saying. And your suit sucks!"

Dimitri: "Let's dance!" Dimitri says as he rushes down to the lower level. Royce, on the other hand, grabs his firearm and follows in pursuit of Dimitri.

2 minutes into the fighting...

Royce, having enough of Dimitri's shenanigans and criminal behavior, decides to give him the beating of his lifetime, by charging up his cane and hitting him. The action resulted in Dimitri flying into his Clockwerk printing press, causing such injuries and impacts that it not only severed the Clockwerk Tail Feathers connections to the printing press but also tore Dimitri to shreds. Resulting in him getting tossed into an empty barrel. Dimitri, not happy with losing his "only form of paycheck" decided to slander Royce one last time.

Dimitri: "You take Clockwerk Feathers and my counterfeiting operation, it's past tense." The purple lizard said in agony.

Royce: "I'm doing you a favor. What kind of thief prints money?... there's no honor in that."

Dimitri: "You... Cracker-Box! Ahh..." Dimitri said before going unconscious from his wounds.

By this point, Royce went over towards the Clockwerk Tail Feathers and grabbed them before stuffing them into his backpack.

Meanwhile, on the surface...

Bentley: "What's taking him so long? He's suppose to grab the Tail Feathers and get out of there! Sly, everyone, let's get in there and help him..."

Back in the Printing Press Room...

Royce: "The Cooper Gang and I had done it. The Clockwerk Tail Feathers were ours and Dimitri's counterfeiting operation was ruined. Due to the untimely arrival of Carmelita, (Me and Sly's) escape got a little tricky, angry at just having missed Sly. She took it out on Dimitri. Shutting down the Nightclub and throwing the frustrated forger behind bars. Sly, the Gang and I headed out of town for a week in Monaco, Sly figured we deserved a well-earned break." Royce said as he was being chased by the determined Inspector Fox as the others were able to escape, despite Sly's suggestions. "Don't you worry Sly, I'll outrun her. Pick me up when she's not around!!"

Sly: "But-"

Royce: "Do not argue with me Sly Cooper, I am trying to buy you some time while she chases after me!!" Royce said to the Cooper Gang, mainly Sly, through the Binococom which being being pursued by Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox.

Royce DeBarry in the Adventures of Sly 2: Band of ThievesWhere stories live. Discover now