Chapter 26: "Trouble, with a Twist!"

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In the previous Chapter: (Chapter 25: "A Date with Demona"), Demona got the wrong impression that Royce had been lying to her about everything, and using her, including her emotions thinking he had been manipulating her the whole time after finding out Royce had been caught carrying a concealed firearm from his past with a star-engraved into the side of it. This, however, as a result, was more than enough to set Demona off and therefore get him into a fight with the semi-violent female raccoon. Eventually leading to her incapacitation, as a result of such serious injuries inflicted upon by Royces' CS Gas.

Upon waiting for the arrival of Porsche after faking the discovery of the couple's conflict...

Carmelita: "If I were you, I'd start talking about what happened between the two of you. That is unless you want to meet the opposite end of my best friend, the Shock-Pistol!"

Royce: "I thought you would've really intimidated me, or at least attempt to with the use of hand-cuffs, Ms.Fox, for shame... for shame...," Royce said in an attempt to and deceive Carmelita as she wouldn't get off of Royce's case seeing how she had just been able to barely witness Demona (by sheer coincidence) not only losing to Royce after deceiving her (from being worn down, caught off-guard and with the use of CS Gas Spray and verbal outbursts). "But really, why are you here asking me these questions? Threatening me with a firearm in an attempt just to interrogate or get any information out of me? What was Ms.Demona trying to do me? What was that stuff she was screaming, hollering and in sorts of agony about?"

Angel: "You really don't know what type of danger you have put yourself into as of right now, do you? You might have just gotten lucky now, as of once, but when she comes back and she is prepared in an engagement against you, who knows what might, will and actually happen!" She tried to rationalize with Royce she only thought he was zoning out on her but in reality he was getting the same thing that had helped to protect him from being harmed by Demona and to truly "convince" her, he was not someone who (unknowingly) was not to be screwed around with, "Royce, what is is that-"

Spider: "Royce, what are you doing? We are not to use those Sprays for anything, unless it's for Self-Defense! Now, quit pointing your CS Gas-Sprayer in my girlfriend's direction, you're worrying me," Spider-Carnage tried to rationalize with his life-long friend who, for some reason, was acting unusually strange as Royce continued to have his CS Gas-Sprayer locked-on to Angel's general direction, "ROYCE! This isn't you! Snap out of it, this isn't funny anymore! Please, this is your friend's girlfriend, she is innocent, please, don't do anything that you will regret." Spider-Carnage begged of his friend who was on-edge, hesitant to do anything that would put Angel through serious injury, danger, harm, or even suffering. With everyone's attention on Royce, no one noticed Haley had [stealthy] pocketed her mother's dress, which she was in possession of a Shock-Pistol, which had slightly made her heart sink, thinking of who-knows-what, being emotionally conflicted, alongside many other emotions, that was then Haley used her mother's Shock-Pistol to subdue Royce, and therefore, diffuse the situation. "Well, what ever happened to him and the sudden change in his behavior, it doesn't make sense!" He scratched his chin, pondering as to why, "Angel, are you okay?"

Angel: "Don't worry about me, you should be concerned about her. Haley looks pretty shook up, if not emotionally traumatized and devastated; I mean, look at her, poor child!"

Haley: "Dad, what happened? Why were you about to hurt Aunt Angel," Haley says out loud as if she was talking to herself in anguish witnessing the sudden behavioral change in that of Royce and having to did more than take charge and put Royce down as if he was a rampaging animal. This was before her mother, Porsche, tried to get her sobbing teenager away from Royce's unconscious body. Which led to the right side of her muzzle being slashed as it also appeared to be dripping tad bits of blood, "BACK OFF AND LET GO!"

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